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= Zoo code =
==Zoo Code==

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Zoo Code


Zoo Code V 1.47, from 10.07. 1998 , German

Original from: Actaeon and Hobbes

Translation: Michael Kiok

IMPORTANT NOTE: If your current zoo code is older than or equal to version 1.0b8, you have to create a new version. A lot has changed.

The Zoo Code is based on Robert Hayden's "Geek Code", Ross Smith's " Furry Code" (now also in German) and Bob Donahue's "Bear Code". You can find some links to other codes on Peter Caffin's "Goth Code" homepage. Some sections of the Zoo Code are more or less "borrowed" from the Geek Code and Furry Code. All claims and rights remain unaffected.

With codes like this one, we can use the .sig files to tell other people a lot about ourselves in a very small space. After I (Actaeon) had seen the Furry Code, it seemed to me that we needed such a code, which I mentioned on the "Forest". Hobbes thought the same and suggested that we go to work together. Miami, Shared Wulf and Kurrelgyre, as well as many others, sent us long lists of extensions. Thank you all to all of them. We welcome further additions. Do not force yourself and send your suggestions by email to Hobbes or me.

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Feelings are difficult to measure, not even those in zoos. Zoos can rarely be identified exactly. To be able to describe yourself as precisely as possible within a category, the following variables are helpful:

  • $ - The $ is placed after the specific category and indicates that money is being made in that category. For example, ZD $ shows that this person loves dogs and is paid to work with them. Pretty much a happy zoo for sure.
  •  ? -- The ? is placed after the category name and indicates that this zoo doesn't know much about this category. For example, a person who has never heard of MUDs should consider MUD category M? specify.
  • * - The * is placed after the respective category name and indicates that this category is not possible for this zoo, usually against its will. For example, a person who is prohibited from owning pets should indicate this in the pet category with p *. A big heartache for a zoo.
  • & - The & is placed BEFORE the category name and indicates that the zoophile has no interest in this topic. For example, if someone is not drawn to visiting animals in the pasture at night, they would express it as "& H" in the appropriate category H. A non-zoophile who is not fascinated by intimate contact with animals would describe himself as "& E".
  •  ! -- The ! is placed BEFORE the appropriate category and indicates that the person refuses to participate in that category. This is unlike the? Variable there? indicates a lack of knowledge against which that! indicates total refusal to participate. For example,! I shows a person who totally disapproves of anything to do with IRC, which I? stands for a person who doesn't know what IRC is.
  • ^ - The ^ allows the specification of two different subgroups of the same category and is placed between them in order to be able to differentiate between the relationship to the animal species in general as opposed to the individual animal. The information after the ^ refers to the individual animal.

Example: H1 ^ 4 expresses that this zoo is actually not a fence hopper, but makes an exception for its lover because it is worth the risk to him there. Another example: AD1 ^ 3 indicates that this zoo is very fond of dogs , but there is a dog in their life for whom the word "like" is too weak; "He fell for him" would be more appropriate. The ^ _Indicator differs from the () _Indicator in that the () _Indicator describes the relationship to the animal species, while the ^ relates to a specific animal.

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Types of zoos

There are many types of zoos depending on which species he or she is most attracted to. At the beginning of the code, the zoophile identifies himself as such. The code begins with the letter "Z" to identify "zoo", followed by one or two capital letters, which stand for the species the zoo is inclined to.

Zoos interested in more than one species should separate these species with a slash between each species (example: ZD / RE / H / W). The order is irrelevant; Alphabetically or according to your preference is up to you. Note: We do not ask for a list of erotic species, only those without which you would not like to live; No letter salad please. :)

   Code English German
  * ZA --- Zoo of Antelope inclination towards antelopes
  * Eg --- Zoo of Bears Bears inclination
  * ZBC - Zoo of Big Cats' propensity for big cats
  * ZBD - Zoo of Birds affection for birds
  * ZC --- Zoo of Cattle inclination towards cattle
  * ZCO - Zoo of Coyotes Penchant for Coyotes
  * ZDE - Zoo of Deer, Elk, inclination to deer, elk,
           and other cervines and other deer-like
  * ZD --- Zoo of Dogs inclination towards dogs
  * ZDL - Zoo of Dolphins, affection for dolphins,
           Porpoises, and Orcas, bottlenose dolphins, and whales
  * ZDK - Zoo of Donkeys & Mules Propensity for donkeys & mules
  * ZF --- Zoo of Foxes affection for foxes
  * ZG --- Zoo of Goats' propensity for goats
  * ZH --- Zoo of Horses, ponies, affinity for horses , ponies,
           and Miniature Horses and miniature horses
  * ZHC - Zoo of House Cats affection for house cats
  * ZL --- Zoo of Llamas and inclination towards llamas and
           Other Camelids other camelike
  * ZM --- Zoo of Mustelids (Ferrets, tendency to marten-like (ferrets,
           Skunks, otters, etc.) skunks, otters, etc.)
  * ZPG - Zoo of Pigs' propensity for pigs
  * ZRB - Zoo of Rabbits Penchant for Rabbits
  * ZRC - Zoo of Raccoons Addiction to Raccoons
  * ZRP - Zoo of Reptiles Propensity for Reptiles
  * ZS --- Zoo of Sheep Leaning towards Sheep
  * ZW --- Zoo of Wolves' propensity for wolves
  * ZZ --- Zoo of Zebras affection for zebras
  * ZO --- Interested in another species not on the list.
           You can write them in if you want.
  * Z? --- Tendency to 'draw'. That person knows he or she
           a zoo but don't know what kind it is most
  *! Z --- A zoophile who is mostly humans, but rarely
           is attracted to animals. If you are not a zoophile and you are
           still want to build a zoo code, please have a look at the
           "Zoo Tolerance" category carefully.
  * ZAT - General Zoo. For the zoos that deal with all kinds
           identify more or less the same. ZAT usually closes
           the use of other descriptions.
  * Zg --- If you want to specify your sexual orientation towards people
           (optional), do so with a lowercase "h" (heterosexual),
           "g" (gay, lesbian) or "b" (bisexual) immediately after the
           Z and in front of your gender or the species code.
  * Zm --- If you want, you can enter your own gender
           (optional), do so immediately with a small "m" or "f"
           after the Z, and before the species code.
  * Z # --- Zoo exclusive means that animals are your only romantic /
           are sexual activity; that is, you have little or no
           Desire for an intimate relationship with people. This
           Code is inserted before the species code. (Example: Z # H / D)
  * Z% --- Zoo-Mensch-Exclusive means that you can interact with animals and other zoos,
           or zoo friends, but rarely with non-zoos.
           This code is inserted before the species code.
 Example: Zgm% H / D / C
          A gay man who is Zoo-Mensch-Exclusive and finds horses ,
           dogs and cattle attractive.

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  • a5 - 60 and older
  • a4 - 50-59
  • a3 - 40-49
  • a2 - 30-39
  • a1 - 22-29
  • a0 - 18-21

If you want to give your exact age instead, you can put the number after the 'a'. To round up or to give an estimated age, put the tilde (~) in front of the number.

 Example: a42 or a ~ 30

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How long have you known that you are a zoophile?

This is divided into two categories: "Known Years" (how long you have known you love animals) and "Active Years" (how many years have passed since your first sexual encounter with an animal). You can also state your age at that time, or (with the suffix A) how many years have passed since then. Separate the two pieces of information with a slash as in the example below. A tilde (~) in front of the number means approximately; a plus (+) means "not younger than" or "at least"; a dash (-) means "not older than" or "at most".

  • Y18 - I was exactly 18 years old.
  • Y18A - It was exactly 18 years ago.
  • Y0 - I never thought about it until I got online.
 Example: Y-18 / -20
           means I have known that since I was 18 years old
           I run a zoo and have been with animals since I was 20
           sexually active.

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Sexual experiences with animals in real life.

How far have you gone with animals so far? Use the species and gender code from the chapter "Types of zoos" and separate the species with slashes as in the example at the end of this section. Please only list the species you have been intimate with. This is not a wish list. :) When an animal - of its own accord - has made an unequivocally sexual proposal to you (e.g. a male dog climbed on you when you wanted to pick something up from the ground, or a sturdy mare flashed at you and squirted urine without it other horses were there), add a plus sign (+) after their species code.

  • E4 - I have slept with this species a lot, and engaged in intimate acts more often than I can count.
  • E3 - I've made love with this type, but not often enough to call it regular.
  • E2 - I haven't slept with anyone, but I've cuddled or foreplay a lot. (With "2.5" you can express if sex had come _fast_, but something intervened, she left you or you lost your courage at the last moment.)
  • E1 - We haven't gotten that close yet, but I've fumbled around a time or two as far as I can remember.
  • E0 - All I've done so far is hug or kiss it. I'm glad the owners didn't notice anything.
 Example: EC1 / D2 + / H2
           This person has groped cattle , and cuddled extensively with dogs 
           and horses . At least one dog also has
           once taken the initiative.

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Are you looking for love?

Are you looking for the love of your life for an animal? If so, how intensely do you search?

  • L3 - I am urgently (desperately?) Looking for a new partner and am grateful for every hint.
  • L2 - I am seriously looking for a new partner, but always with care. I keep my eyes open; or search with a system.
  • L1 - I'm in no hurry, but I'll take it when the opportunity arises.
  • L0 - The relationship (s) I have is enough for me. I don't want more than that.
  • L * - I cannot look for a new partner at the moment. My family, lack of money, no space ...

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Bond to an animal partner

We have "bonded" to actions and feelings, not to external signs (you know which signs are meant :)) If you don't feel the same way towards all kinds under all circumstances, do the same as with the "Geek Code": Use Slashes to separate the species and brackets to indicate changing feelings (changing feelings are only present under certain circumstances (e.g. more specific individuals than the whole species)). If the given conditions (living with your parents) conflict with some wishes ( marry your horse ), choose the feelings you would have without these obstacles. If you don't have animals, express what you feel in your dreams or in those rare real get-togethers.

  • A3 - Animals of this kind are the most important thing in my life. I can't imagine how life would be possible without her and I think of her every moment of the day. I live to serve them. I have (or wish to) legally marry my animal partner in an official ceremony. I never want to part with them, and their deaths will be devastating to me. A replacement is not possible; I would feel guilty if I tried.
  • A2 - This species is an important part of my life. When I can't be with them, I think of them a lot. I love her with all my heart and see her as a life partner in spirit when it is not possible before the law. I will mourn for weeks when my partner dies. Replacing him will then be very difficult.
  • A1 - I like this animal very much and I think my life is enriched by its presence. I could partner with him for life without looking back. I know it will not survive me; I find it difficult, but I am prepared to find someone else who will take the place.
  • A0 - I like these animals, but rather occasionally. A civil partnership is unlikely. I have never knowingly caused pain to an animal, and I avoid causing discomfort out of ignorance. Many of my encounters with them have been one-night stands; I have hardly ever had a regular partner.
  • A-1 - This species is only of temporary interest to me; I cannot imagine having such an animal as a life partner. While I have never tried to cause permanent injury or discomfort to an animal, every now and then I may be a little more pressing than necessary and I can get very insistent if I am ignored.
  • A-2 - I don't really care how this animal is doing. I have physically prevented an unwilling animal from running away and from defending it as long as I was intimate with it.
 Example: AH2 (0) / D3 / C0 (-2)
           This zoo is most attracted to dogs [D3],
           he also likes horses very much [H2], but is the occasional one
           One-night-stand not averse [(0)]. He's with cattle
           satisfied with one-night-stands [C0], and with one
           Opportunity he had held one of these [(-2)].

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While the bond category (see above) indicates how we generally feel about an animal species, many of us are willing and able to describe this feeling in front of ourselves and the world as love for our four-legged companion. There is a difference between feeling something for an animal and being addicted to it from head to hoof.

  • LV5 - I tell everyone who wants to hear that my animal (s) is / are my life and love partner. I stand in the pedestrian zone and announce it.
  • LV4 - Yes, Yes, Yes! I fell in love, I am in love, I love and I am able to announce it out loud, but I do not say it publicly, only to very special people.
  • LV3 - Yes, I'm in love ... shhh! (You could possibly seduce me into confessing myself openly.)
  • LV2 - If this isn't love, what is it? (I'm not denying it, but I'm not admitting it either.)
  • LV1 - Let me think ... (I'm not ready to go that far yet.)
  • LV0 - You know, it might look like love, but ...
  • LV-1 - love between the legs? Or in the mouth? Is that supposed to be a joke?
  • LV-2 - For that hairy thing? How can you accuse me of such a thing!

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Vegetarians / vegans

Vegans do not eat animals and do not use anything made from animal raw materials - milk, eggs, leather shoes, etc. Ovo-lacto-vegetarians eat milk, eggs, cheese, etc. but no meat (i.e. not the animals themselves, but what with the help of which was produced). Strictly speaking, both are vegetarians, but it has become common practice to call the lactos ovo vegetarians and the others vegans. (Many thanks to Kurrelgyure for this definition). Please also keep in mind that nobody will be condemned if they give "zero" (no vegetarian at all). On every scale there are zero or even negative numbers ... If that helps: the author of this section (Actaeon) describes himself as VG0.

  • VG3 - Not only am I a vegetarian, I also try loudly to convert the carnivores.
  • VG2 - I am (almost) a pure vegetarian, there are hardly any exceptions.
  • VG1 - I live mainly vegetarian, but there are exceptions.
  • VG0 - I eat anything, but vegetarians don't bother me if they leave me alone
  • A ! VG - I eat everything and have no sympathy for vegetarians, and certainly not for radicals.
  • VG * - I wish I was a vegetarian, but I can't afford to do so for medical reasons or because my family thinks I'm crazy otherwise.
  • VGC - I am a predator. I eat meat exclusively or almost exclusively.

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Animal rights

"Take cover, people, now it's going to be explosive!" :-) The philosophy of the "animal rights movement" is very complex and consists of many small sub-areas: consumption of meat and other animal products, hunting and trapping, furs and other animal products as clothing, the consumption of animals in medical research, etc. There everyone has their favorite topic, it is not easy to squeeze animal rights activists into a scheme. Pick the answer that best suits you.

  • AR3 - I vehemently represent all or at least almost all aspects of the animal rights movement.
  • AR2 - I am an active animal rights activist, but not all topics are equally important to me.
  • AR1 - I'm not an active animal rights activist, but an active sympathizer.
  • AR0 - Animal rights don't interest me that much.
  • AR-1 - I don't think much of the animal rights movement, but at least I can deal with well-mannered animal rights activists.
  • AR-2 - animal lawyers are mostly naive, misguided and / or immature.
  • A ! AR - No comment. Is too hot for me :-)

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Reverence for life

Note that the following section does not deal with the consumption of animals, which was already dealt with above under Vegetarians / Vegans. If your reverence for life and / or nature arises from your religious convictions, please put a + behind the category name.

  • R4 - I would never take the life of an animal, under any circumstances, even if it could save the lives of people or animals that are important to me. I would avoid an animal in my car, even if I would endanger myself or other road users.
  • R3 - I would only accept the death of an animal if the alternative meant death or serious injury to someone or something that is very important to me. I ignore insects in my apartment or I carry them out. It makes me unhappy if I accidentally run over an animal, however small it may be.
  • R2 - I avoid destroying life whenever possible, except when it comes to insects and other creeping things, dangerous or poisonous animals, or my own food. If I accidentally run over a mammal or a bird, it hits me more than the moth that flies in front of my headlights, although I feel sorry for them too.
  • R1 - My respect for life is essentially limited to the animals with whom I have a relationship. If I run over a big animal, I'm sorry, but I just clap flies and things to death without batting an eyelid.

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How do you feel about neutering animals?

  • N2 - The pet avalanche is a serious problem and most pet owners are too irresponsible to be trusted with a reproductive animal. Animals that cannot live as breeding animals or partners with zoophiles should be neutered.
  • N1 - I don't like the idea of ​​neutering, but I must admit that it is the most effective method of controlling pet glut, especially when the alternative is killing unwanted puppies or kittens
  • N0 - I see both sides on this topic and can't really make up my mind.
  • N-1 - The pet owner should be made more accountable. Castration should be the last resort and there should be more promotion of alternative methods such as cutting egg and spermatic ducts.
  • N-2 - Castration is a crime. It is not the animals' fault that they reproduce, but their owners because they are not careful. Teaches people how to keep animals properly, and if that doesn't help, neuter the owners.

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Knowledge of the behavior and structure of animals

This category used to be divided into two parts, but was then summarized under "Knowledge". Use a forward slash (/) to separate the two areas, like in the example below.


  • K3 - I have a degree in behavioral or other life sciences and am very familiar with animal behavior, even with animals I have no relationship with. I can give valuable advice to newbies.
  • K2 - I think I'm pretty knowledgeable about animal behavior in general, especially the species that are close to me, of course, but I wouldn't really call myself an expert.
  • K1 - I know my way around the behavior of the animals that I often meet, but beyond that I can only guess.
  • K0 - I know how to interpret animal feelings so that I can keep myself out of discomfort, but I am not a scholar.
  • K-1 - It is enough for sex; otherwise I'm not interested.
  • K-2 - What does it mean when he shows his teeth and jumps at my throat?


  • / 3 - I know from my extensive research (by hand or otherwise) what each part is good for, what you can do with it and what is better left off. I can give valuable advice to newbies.
  • / 2 - I think I'm quite knowledgeable about the anatomy of animals in general, and of course specifically about the animals I'm intimate with, but I wouldn't really call myself an expert.
  • / 1 - I am familiar with the anatomy of the animals that I often meet, but beyond that I can only guess.
  • / 0 - Let's see: carrot on the front, sausage on the back. What else do you want to know?
  • / -1 - it is enough for sex; otherwise .... but I already said that.
  • / -2 - How can I tell if a Taurus is male or female?
 Example: K3 / 3

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By virginity we mean that you have never had sexual intercourse, vaginally or anally , with either an animal or a person. Manual or oral intercourse is ignored for the zoo code. +

  • V1 - I am no longer a virgin. If you have lost your virginity to a human, add the character "h"; If you've lost it to an animal, add an "a" (or the species code if you want) as in the example below.
  • V0 - I'm still a virgin in both animals and humans, but I hope that changes.
  • V-1 - I am still a virgin and I intend to stay that way.
  • V-2 - I'm not a virgin anymore, but I wish my first time had been different, or not happened in the first place.
 Example: V1h or V1C

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(shamelessly stolen from the Furry Code) Note: If you want, you can indicate which animals (and how many of them) you have. Use the species code (see above) and separate the species with slashes. They don't necessarily have to be those with whom you have a sexual relationship. For example, a person with four horses , three dogs, and two cats might list them as: "pH4 / D3 / HC2" or, more simply, "pH / D / HC".

  • p4 - I have a large household of various hairy / scaly / feathered beings and my life is centered around their wellbeing.
  • p3 - I have several pets.
  • p2 - Two or three normal pets (cats, dogs , etc.), or a fairly exotic one.
  • p1 - A normal pet (cat, dog , etc.).
  • p0 - I don't have any pets at the moment, but I would like to have them in the future.
  • p-1 - I don't have any pets, my lifestyle / household / planning is already complicated enough.
  • p-2 - I don't want these things in the house. [Are you sure you are a zoo?]
  • p * - I would like to have pets, but my landlord or parents don't allow them.
  • p ** - I'm allergic to animals, sorry.

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Instincts & self-control

  • U-3 - I do it always, everywhere and with everything that is there. If it can't run faster than me, better keep it under lock and key :)
  • U-2 - I find it hard to hold back when I see an animal that I like. I have embarrassed myself publicly a few times because I couldn't keep my mouth or hands to myself. "You must understand that, Sergeant, I saw that cute horse over there and suddenly I was off the road ..." 
  • U-1 - The drive is strong and the tension is great, but so far I've managed to stay out of discomfort. So far.
  • U0 - My instincts are completely under control, and even if my thoughts may wander from the prescribed path now and then, no one notices it to whom I do not expressly draw their attention.
  • U1 - I've even learned to control my thoughts. Wait a minute, what is this document doing on my screen? :)

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Dealing with (compulsive) fantasies

  • OB3 - Sometimes real life events break into my fantasy world. I hate that.
  • OB2 - I dream about animals day and night and that I am with them. This often creates problems at work or in interpersonal relationships.
  • OB1 - I have zoophile fantasies / daydreams but these rarely conflict with my real life or career.
  • OB0 - My fantasies are well under control, and if I need to concentrate on something seriously, I can turn them off completely.
  • OB-1 - I have little to no zoophilic fantasy life. When I'm not really with an animal, I don't even think about it.

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Erotic dreams.

  • D4 - I have had more erotic dreams with non-humans than I can count and I can't wait to go back to sleep in the hope of meeting my special friend (s) again in dreams. :)
  • D3 - I often had erotic dreams with non-humans.
  • D2 - I hardly ever have erotic dreams with non-humans, but I know that I've at least had one.
  • D1 - I get some, but I wake up before anything happens. :(
  • D0 - I've never had an erotic dream with a non-human partner, but I would love to have one. :)
  • D-1 - I've never had an erotic dream.
  • D-2 - I've had erotic dreams with people but not animals, and I hope it stays that way.
  •  ! D - That's none of your business.

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Fence hopping

A " fence hopper " is a zoo that sneaks onto other people's properties (pastures) in order to be with an animal. Kind of Romeo and Juliet. Or is it Rover-o and Filly-et? :). It doesn't depend on the fence: to what extent are you willing to respect or ignore other people's (house) rights?

  • H4 - I take on land mines, NATO barbed wire, armed guards, and jail time to visit an animal.
  • H3 - I fence hopping when I think I can run faster than the property owner, or when I know he is unarmed. In other words, I am not very concerned about whether or not I will be seen.
  • H2 - I've climbed fences on occasion when the risk was low, although I was probably extremely lucky.
  • H1 - I've only tried once or twice for fear or a lack of easy access.
  • H0 - I almost did it once, and then when I realized I hadn't been caught, I could have bitten my butt.
  • H-1 - I got caught but it doesn't stop me from doing it again.
  • H-2 - I got caught and haven't done it since.
  • H * - I don't dare to climb over fences: all the animals here are too well guarded or visible.
  • A ! H - I don't go to other people's properties to visit animals for ethical and / or moral reasons (and not just because I'm afraid of getting caught)

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Public / intimacy

Intimacy is understood here to mean that which would bother people who do not know anything more specific about the people involved. Hot kisses don't count (well, okay, really hot kisses do count: judge this to the best of your knowledge and belief). But it should be a little more intense. Complete the sentence: "I was doing something intimate with an animal ...

  • PP4 - ... in front of people who could have been (or really were) shocked by what they saw ".
  • PP3 - ... in front of a group that I knew understood (e.g. other zoos). "
  • PP2 - ... in the presence of one or two other zoos.
  • PP1 - ... in front of a non-zoo (e.g. a lover or spouse). "
  • PP0 - ... without a spectator, but with the knowledge and / or consent of someone nearby. "
  • PP-1 - ... while others were present, but no one could see what I was doing. "
  •  ! PP - ... only alone with the animal. Nobody saw me or knew what I was doing. "

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Tolerance to zoos.

You may not be a zoo yourself, but you want to create a block of code to show that you support (or dislike) the zoophile community. Or maybe you are a zoo that has a desire to express your feelings towards other zoos.

  • T3 - I like Zoo's very much and would even allow a zoo to get intimate with one of my animals if I knew them well enough.
  • T2 - I like zoos and would even allow a zoo to get intimate with one of my animals, but only if he or she is a good friend or significant other.
  • T1 - I tolerate zoos and would allow one to interact with my animals as long as he or she does not get intimate with them.
  • T0 - Zoos can do whatever they want as long as they don't bother me with it. I would be concerned if I knew there was a zoophile with my animals.
  • T-1 - I don't hate zoos, but I try to convince people I know are doing wrong.
  • T-2 - Zoos? If I ever catch one of these perverts, then ...

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Encounter with other zoos / ZooCons & gatherings

Just for the sake of clarification (because I was just asked about this via email), a meeting among zoos is NOT an opportunity to get hold of an animal. We are attached to our partners and do NOT leave them to other people who we do not know and therefore cannot trust them; even if that is the case, such a thing is very rare. Please see for yourself where you are. :-)

  • G5 - I attend the meetings regularly, I help to coordinate them. What do you want to know?
  • G4 - I've been to numerous meetings (half a dozen or more).
  • G3 - I've been to a few meetings (less than half a dozen).
  • G2 - I went to a meeting and it was OK.
  • G1 - I've met other zoos once or twice, but I wouldn't call it a gathering.
  • G0 - I haven't met any other zoos in my life.
  •  ! G - I haven't met and I don't plan to.
  • G * - I can't possibly go to something like this (e.g. for financial reasons or because of a strict ban on going out).

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Coming out

Note: add a dash (-) to the code when you have been "outed"; that is when someone reveals your secret without your permission.

  • A ! O - I will NOT come out in real life at all, not even to other zoos, except on the Internet.
  • O0 - The only people who know I am a zoo are other zoos, and few to none of them know my true identity.
  • O1 - I told a doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, or anyone who was unlikely to reveal my secret.
  • O2 - I told a family member or two, very close friends, a lover, an employer, or anyone else I have had a close relationship with in my life.
  • O3 - Same as O2, but I told three or more of these people.
  • O4 - Most (or all) friends or family members know about my inclinations.
  • 05 - I made it public that I am a zoo. Pretty much the whole neighborhood knows.

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Getting caught

Have you ever been caught flagrant with an animal? Add the sign "+" to the negative points if it turned out well (e.g. you could talk your way out), or a "-" if it turned out badly (e.g. you received a sermon, or worse).

  • C1 - I was never caught.
  • C0 - I was almost caught but was able to get dressed in time.
  • C-1 - I was caught doing something harmless (e.g. with careful fingers or a hot kiss).
  • C-2 - I got caught doing something more serious. (e.g. oral sex or masturbation ).
  • C-3 - I was caught having real sexual intercourse with an animal.
  • C-4 - I was caught while having intercourse and unable to part (e.g., the dog's erectile tissue was stuck inside me).
  • C? - It is possible that I was caught, but because no one said anything, I cannot be sure.
  • C * - I can't get caught because I haven't done it to any animal before.

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  • S2 - I live alone, or with one or more zoos or people who tolerate zoophilia. I don't have to hide from anyone.
  • S1 - I live with someone who accepts my way of life up to a point. Or I live alone, but have thin walls or curious neighbors. I hide my lifestyle more out of respect than out of compulsion.
  • S0 - I live with someone who is disgusted by my lifestyle or who doesn't know that I'm a zoo. I have to be very careful.
  • S-1 - I live with someone who is disgusted with my lifestyle. I am being watched and even mere contact with animals is forbidden. It's like being in prison here.

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Zeta pin

You don't know what a Zeta Pin is? Not bad either. :)

  • ZP4 - I wear my Zeta Pin in public, and when people ask what it is, I tell them the truth.
  • ZP3.5 - I wear my Zeta Pin in public, but when people ask what it is, I tell them something.
  • ZP3 - I wear it, but not in such a way that it is visible at first glance. If anyone sees him, I'll tell him a fairy tale.
  • ZP2 - I only wear it when I meet other zoos or when I think it's safe.
  • ZP1 - I have one, but I rarely wear it, even among other zoos.
  • ZP0 - I want one too.
  • A ! ZP - I don't intend to own one.
  • * ZP - I can't wear one, my parents are too curious because of the dress code or for other reasons. (Also because you lost your pin, which often happens).

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Animal porn

How big is your interest in animal porn?

  • X4 - I * live * for animal porn!
  • X3 - I am looking for animal porn all day. Whether on the net or in a bookstore or in a library. If nothing can be found, I'll make my own material. I have an extensive collection of erotic animal pictures, videos, books, and / or magazines.
  • X2 - I look out for animal porn a lot, and I think I have a pretty good collection of that material, but most of the time I do something more useful on the web and elsewhere.
  • X1 - I look out for animal porn occasionally, but I usually don't have the time or space to do it, or I'm worried that someone might find it.
  • X0 - Most of what can be found is kind of boring anyway, I can live quite well without a bunch of animal pictures. Although my private corresponding material is really great.
  • X-1 - I'm not interested in porn of any kind. I own my own animals and have no need for any porn, or it is really depressing to watch other people (and animals) be happy.
  • X-2 - I'm appalled at what porn is out there, even if it's just mating wolves, and I use parental controls to shield my children from it.
  • X-3 - I'm Senator Exon. This text contains your email address.
  •  ! X - I don't watch or have any animal porn lying around. You could be found.
  • X * - My access to porn is blocked by parents, university, local legislation, or other compulsions.

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Even if "Furries" (fans of the picture stories with animal / human hybrid beings) always deny the zoophile undertones of their preference, the fact remains that many zoos are attracted to these animal-like beings, especially when they are sensually drawn.

  • Q3 - I have a large collection of Furry Comics and / or Characters; I have a real crush on at least one furry figure. I just can't get away from the picture stories in the weekend supplement. I want to become a furry , and I can't wait for genetic engineering to finally get there.
  • Q2 - I watch the cartoons a lot, I have a character or two and the dolls / characters turn me on a little. They really know how to tease a person.
  • F1 - I don't have a lot of picture stories or characters, but I have to admit there are some very sexy drawn characters in the comics (e.g. Lola Bunny !!!) and I find them stimulating.
  • F0 - cartoons are great. But I don't find the figures "attractive".
  •  ! F - Man, you weird birds scare me. You lose one when you see Bugs Bunny? Just stay away from me!

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Plushies, if you don't already know, are stuffed animals, like teddy bears. For a "plush lover", however, they are turn-on, especially for a zoo, for which a stuffed animal has a special meaning. Add the character "H" if one or more of your plushies has an SPH ("Strategically Placed Cave") or the male equivalent SPD ("Strategically Placed Dildo"). Add the character "P" if you carry your stuffed animals around in public or if you openly acknowledge your plushophilia.

  • PL4 - I have a large collection of plush toys.
  • PL3 - I have a modest collection of plush toys.
  • PL2 - I only have one or a few plush toys.
  • PL1 - I don't have any plush toys yet, but I would like some.
  • PL0 - I think plush toys are OK, but I don't find them attractive.
  •  ! PL - Man, you are a bad gang. Do you rub yourself against plush toys? Just keep my skin off!
  • PL * - If anyone catches me with a stuffed animal, they'll think I'm crazy.
 Example: PL3HP

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MUD's and talkers

MUD's (Multi User Dungeon) and Talker are highly structured online "chat rooms" and they are much more secure than IRC. There are currently several talkers for zoos: Lintilla, Sleepy's Forest, Jungle Fever, Plane of Animals, The Zooz, and Fantasy Island, in order of their origin. Another MUD, called Furry MUCK ("FM"), is also popular among zoos, but FM very likely wants you not to know. :) Use the following codes to name the talker or MUD, as in the example below. If you are a "wizard" with one of them, put a "w" behind the corresponding code.

    o MLI = lintilla
    o MSF = Sleepy's Forest
    o MJF = Jungle Fever
    o MPA = Plane of Animals
    o MTZ = The Zooz
    o MFI = Fantasy Island
    o MFM = Furry MUCK
    o MFL = FluffMuck
    o MFT = Furtoonia
    o MSO = Sociopolitical Ramifications (SPR)
    o MTA = tapestries
    o MTI = TimeScape
    o MUD = Unbridled Desires

  • M__4 - I have multiple nicknames on this talker; I visit him as often as I can and could be a wizard too. Everyone knows me; When I log in, I am inundated with stories and news.
  • M__3 - I go to this talker every day, and I often stay there for a long time.
  • M__2 - I have a nickname here and I try to log in at least once a week. I created a detailed description of my talker personality.
  • M__1 - I have a nickname here, and maybe a description, but I don't visit very often.
  • M__0 - I've heard of talkers, but haven't done anything there.
  •  ! M - I don't want anything to do with talkers or MUDs.
  • M * - My access is blocked, I have no suitable software or am being supervised by my parents.
 Example: MLI1 / SF2 / JF1 / PA1 / TZ0 / FI1w / FM1

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Internet Relay Chat (IRC)

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is similar to a talker, but it's not as secure. There are several active channels for zoo discussions, and you can set up your own channels as you wish.

  • I5 - I am continuously present on several IRC Zoo channels.
  • I4 - I am regularly or almost regularly on one or more IRC Zoo channels.
  • I3 - I log into a zoo channel every now and then, but I'm not there regularly.
  • I2 - I've been on a channel or two a lot, but I've hardly ever been on a zoophile channel.
  • I1 - I've tried IRC once or twice.
  • I0 - I've heard of IRC but never tried.
  •  ! I - I don't want to mess with IRC.
  • I * - My access is blocked, I have no suitable software or am being supervised by my parents.

If you are an op (operator) of one or more zoo channels, you can add an "o" after the number.

 Example: I5o

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TinySex ("TS")

What is TinySex (TS)? Also known as virtual sex, it's a simultaneous, erotic, impromptu dialogue: two or more people write on a MUD or IRC channel what they would do to each other if they were together in real life (assuming they wanted to in real life at all Living together :-)). It can be sensual, funny, or both.

  • TS4 - I am famous for my TS arts and people flock to me for something great.
  • TS3 - I have TS sessions quite often and my virtual partners are happy with my efforts.
  • TS2 - I've done TS occasionally; It's great, but I don't have the time to get into it.
  • TS1 - I've tried a time or two.
  • TS0 - I've never done it before, but I'm not ruling it out.
  •  ! TS - I've never done it, and I don't plan to try.

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Zoo web pages

  • W3 - I have a zoo-themed webpage and another zoo page has a link to it.
  • W2 - I have a zoo page, but I don't think anyone has a link to it. (Really? Where can I find them? :))
  • W1 - I'm still working on a zoo site.
  • W0 - I have a non-zoo website. I'm not currently planning a zoo site.
  •  ! W - I don't think I'm going to make a website about zoophilia, the risk is too great, I don't know HTML, I don't have that much to say about it, etc.
  • W * - I can't create a zoo site because my provider doesn't allow it.

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NG: newsgroups

(alt.sex.bestiality, alt talk.bestiality, etc.)

  • NG3 - I am regularly on the newsgroup (s), I really want to keep them alive. I try to visit them daily and I write whenever the opportunity arises, reply seriously to posts, and work hard to discourage spammers, flamers, and binary posters.
  • NG2 - I read the newsgroup (s) whenever I can and try to stay here. I answer articles that interest me and occasionally write my own contributions. I fight spam and binaries, but only where it seems to be worthwhile.
  • NG1 - I read the newsgroup (s) when I feel like it. I rarely answer articles or write some myself. I have basically given up fighting the spam and binary tide.
  • NG0 - I've read and / or posted (occasionally or regularly) the newsgroup (s) once or twice, but now I rarely go to them.
  • NG-1 - I've heard of the newsgroup (s) but haven't seen it yet.
  •  ! NG - I don't want anything to do with the newsgroup (s).
  • NG * - My access is blocked, I have no suitable software or am being supervised by my parents.

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How to view the code

Once you've decided on a label for each category, now is the time to put your code together and show it to the rest of the world. Take what you have chosen in the categories and put everything together with a space to separate them; When you get to the end of the line, move on to the next one. When everything is complete it should look something like this:

   Zhm% DE / D / H / W a ~ 30 Y-13 / -15 EC1 / D2.5 + / H2.5 L1 ADE1 / D3 / H2 / W2 LV4 VG0 AR-1
    R2 + N-1 K2 / 2 V0 pD2 / HC1 U0 OB2 D2 H1 PP2 T2 G4 O2 C? S2 ZP3.5 X0 F2 PL2
    MLI1 / SF1 / JF1 / PA1 / TZ0 / FI1w / FM1 I1 TS2 W3 NG1

(This code in particular is very long (about 170 characters); Whitefang suggested that if your code is longer than you would like, then you could omit all categories with the value 0. In most cases this results in a noticeable shortening .) If you want to include your zoo code in the .sig file, you should create a ZOO CODE BLOCK. This reference to the output of the PGP program is intended to be an attempt to standardize the external appearance of the ZooCode throughout the network. Your ZOO CODE BLOCK should now look like this:

     ----- BEGIN ZOO CODE BLOCK -----
      Version: 1.46
      Zhm% DE / D / H / W a ~ 30 Y-13 / -15 EC1 / D2.5 + / H2.5 L1 ADE1 / D3 / H2 / W2 LV4
      VG0 AR-1 R2 + N-1 K2 / 2 V0 pD2 / HC1 U0 OB2 D2 H1 PP2 T2 G4 O2 C? S2 ZP3.5
      X0 F2 PL2 MLI1 / SF1 / JF1 / PA1 / TZ0 / FI1w / FM1 I1 TS2 W3 NG1
      ------ END ZOO CODE BLOCK ------

You see, the code itself hasn't changed. However, the version number of the code you are using is displayed, and the whole code is framed by the start and end lines. Make sure that the start and end lines look the same as in the example to enable a network-wide standard. (i.e. five dashes before and after the BEGIN line and six each at the END line, and all capital letters.)

You can also use a shorter version, which I can often see in the Furry Code.

 ZC 1.46: Zhm% DE / D / H / W a ~ 30 Y-13 / -15 EC1 / D2.5 + / H2.5 L1 ADE1 / D3 / H2 / W2
     LV4 VG0 AR-1 R2 + N-1 K2 / 2 V0 pD2 / HC1 U0 OB2 D2 H1 PP2 G4 O2 C? S2 ZP3.5
     X0 F2 PL2 MLI1 / SF1 / JF1 / PA1 / TZ0 / FI1w / FM1 I1 TS2 W3 NG1

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Where can I find the Zoo Code?

The English originals are available: Via WWW (in HTML format): Actaeon (Main): http://www.altreality.tzo.com/actaeon/zoocode.html (January 2005: no longer available, page closed)

Hobbes: http://www.aros.net/~zeta/stuff/zoocode.html (January 2005: no longer available, page closed) Stasya mirrors the pages. (January 2005: This page is also closed)

Available here: Zoo Code in English ( http://www.fifine.org/whitefangsTexte/4-Englisch.html/ )

French translation: Zoo code French ( http://www.fifine.org/whitefangsTexte/4-Franzoesisch.html/ )

Via email (in text format): Actaeon: [email protected] Hobbes: [email protected] (January 2005: both no longer exist)

The German translation is available: Via WWW (in HTML format): Zoofaq (Main): [1] Fifi (Mirror): [2] (http://www.zetapin.de/zoofaq/zoocode.htm)[1] (http://www.fifine.org/whitefangsTexte/4-Deutsch.html)

Via e-mail (in text format): Zoofaq: [email protected] (January 2005: address no longer available)

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Version history / acknowledgments

1.0b4 - sent to web site 12/4/96; not posted to ASB
First public version.
1.0b5 - posted to ASB 12/8/96
Added Plushie category; fixed a few typos and outdated links.
1.0b6 - started 12/9/96; sent to Hobbes 12/15/96
12/9: Added Zeta Pin category and this Version History section.
12/11: Put the gender flag back in the main zoo category.
12/11: Added Unbridled Desires to MUD category; removed unexplained + 's from the Z category examples. [thanks to Ashke the white horse]
12/11: Widened scope of TZC3 line, since we're getting input from more people. Removed W4 line: it was kind of shameless anyway. :) Made some other, minor edits to the W category. Changed the I line to remove reference to talkers. Rolled Attachment category into the main Zoo category and reworded it significantly, so you could indicate your level of attachment by species (finished 12/15). [thanks to Stasya]
1.0b7 - started 12/25/96; sent to Hobbes and posted to ASB 12/28/96
12/25: added Plane of Animals to MUD section
12/27: revised Plushie category to add separate codes for Cuddling, SPH, and Public
1.0b8 - started 12/29/96
12/29: allowed giving specific age at discovering one's zooness
01/11/97: [Hobbes] Revised the separate categories of K and N, combining them into one category; Removed extra animals from the Z category for ease of reading; revised the Plushie category to remove cuddling, after all, who doesn't cuddle them? :); removed gender specifications from Z category, for length purposes. Combined mini-horse's with the general horse Z category.
1.1 - started 01/13/97; posted to ASB 3/2/97
01/13: added flag for zoo-human-exclusive [thanks Dogdude]; added flag for sexual orientation
02/23: [thanks Miami] Dozens of minor edits, and several major ones; far too numerous to list. Lots of rewording, re-ranking, and fine-tuning, plus a new category (security). Suffice it to say, if your code dates back to version 1.0-something, you'll need to re-do it now.
1.2 - started 03/07/97
03/07: shortened V section and added suffixes for human vs. animal
03/14: put Attachment section back into its own category; other minor edits
1.21 - started 03/17/97
03/17: simplified cattle references [thanks Cowlover]
1.22 - started 03/20/97
03/20: [thanks Svadil] rolled some of the Performing and Outing entries into the new Getting Caught section; added "+" suffix to Experience
03/21: [thanks Skyhawk] added Fantasy Island to MUD section
03/22: changed MUD wizard level to a simple "w" suffix; updated link to FurCode.
1.23 - started 03/23/97
03/23: updated link to my mirror site (which moved)
04/03: expanded Zoo-Human-Exclusive tag to include zoo-friendlies
1.3 - started 04/18/97; posted to ASB on 5/5/97
04/18: [thanks Kurrelgyre] created two new sections: "Vegetarianism" and "Looking for Love." Also added! H to Fence-Hopping section [thanks also to Panthera19 for that], expanded parameters of ASB0, allowed listing species and quantities in the Pets section, re-worded the Knowledge section, eliminated the E-1 category, and reworded the ! W entry.
05/03: [thanks Kurrelgyre] added definitions of vegetarianism / veganism to the VG section
05/04: put The Zooz back in MUD section; minor modification to M__0 description
1.4 - started 5/5/97; posted to website on 6/4/97
05/05: added "Animal Rights" and "Neutering" sections
05/11: added "Reverence for Life" section
05/18: inserted I2 in IRC section, and moved the others up a level
1.41 - started 6/27/97
06/27: [thanks Wlfspirit] added "o" flag to IRC section
1.42 - started 7/05/97
07 / 05: [thanks Leopard Paw] added "Erotic Dreams" section
07/13: [thanks HeTman inTail] added ^ parameters to Variables list, and added "Love" category
1.43 - started 8/24/97
08/24: [thanks Draconis] added VGC parameter to Vegetarian section
1.44 - started 9/9/97
09/09: [thanks Remus] added "2.5" parameter to Experience section
1.45 - started 9/18/97
09/18: [thanks Whitefang] added comment regarding reducing length of finished ZooCode; added "Zoo Tolerance" section; added & parameter; changed ASB category to NG category
5/17/98: [thanks Shadow] fixed typo in the & parameter section (it said "after," but was actually used _before_ the category identifier)
1.46 - started 5/18/98
5/18 / 98: [thanks Shadow] added ZP * parameter
5/24/98: added ZP3.5 parameter
1.47 - started 5/23/99
5/23/99: [thanks Catamount] added "ZRP": Zoo of Reptiles
?? .04.97 Contact and get permission for the translation.
05/30/97 Translation and creation of the first edition of the German zoo code V1.0b4
04.07.97 New translation of V1.22 and removal of many defects in style and spelling. (Thanks to MKI who is now committed to the translation of the zoo code).
07.09.97 Next update to version V1.4.
New or changed are L VG AR RNKHIW ASB
09/14/97 Slight editorial changes and much less puddles.
04/10/98 Next update to version V1.45.
The sections LV D and T have been added. For vegetarians, the selection has been supplemented by VGC, and for I by the flag "o". The ASB category has been changed to NG. There is also now the possibility to shorten a very long code under certain circumstances. There are now two more variables ("&" and "^") for a more precise classification.
07/10/98 Update to version V1.46
Further slight editorial improvements. The two parameters ZP3.5 and ZP * and a correction for the & variables have been added.

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The Zoo Code was inspired by Robert A. Hayden's Geek Code and is copyright (C) 1996 by Actaeon and Hobbes. All rights reserved. Portions shamelessly lifted from the Geek Code are copyright (C) 1993-1996 by Robert A. Hayden; portions lifted from the furryCode are copyright (C) 1996 by Ross Smith. All due credit and apologies are hereby freely given to them and others. Robert and Ross played no part in the creation of the Zoo Code, so don't blame them or ask them for help with it. They'd probably want to keep their distance from us, really. :) You are free to distribute this code in electronic format provided that the file remains unmodified and this copyright notice remains attached. This copyright prohibits HTMLizing the code for publication on the web except by the copyright holders. If you wish to publish abstracts or portions of the code, contact the author for permission. If you wish to write an article about the Zoo Code, please contact the authors. Comments are appreciated. Man, I hate lawyers. :)

The Zoo Code was inspired by Robert A. Hayden's Geek Code and copyright (C) 1996-1998 is owned by Actaeon and Hobbes. All rights reserved. Sections taken from the Geek Code are Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by Robert A. Hayden; Sections inherited from the Furry Code are Copyright (C) 1996 by Ross Smith. Robert and Ross played no part in creating the Zoo Code, so leave them alone with criticism or inquiries. Maybe they prefer to see us from a distance. :-)

You are free to distribute this code electronically as long as the text remains unchanged and the copyright notice remains attached. This copyright prohibits the HTMLizing of the code for any other publication than on the website of the copyright holder. If you want to publish terms or sections from this, you must first obtain the permission of the authors. If you want to write an article about the Zoo Code, ask the authors for permission beforehand. Comments are welcome.

The original copyright text continues to apply, the German is only a corresponding, legally non-binding translation of the most important points.

The copyright (C) of this translation lies with [email protected], that of the content itself with the authors of the original. Since then I have been sending [email protected] the respective translation of the zoo code and taking care of the implementation as a website. A big thank you to everyone, especially to MKI for the translation work.