Zoophilia Wiki:About

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Revision as of 17:25, 8 August 2024 by ZooWiki (talk | contribs)
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Zoophilia.wiki is a Non-profit site funded voluntarily by zoos like you! Created in 2021, Zoo Wiki was made to provide resources for everyone reading up on Zoophilia. It's main attempt is to have a central information source, as with anything online. There can be misinformed or bias type articles. Zoo Wiki does it's best to provide a neutral view point on it's articles, and resources. While we're all human (Or mammals, we're technically animals too!) we make mistakes.

Content consists of various topics. Recent and past surveys on Zoophilia, guides, and various resources and terms to learn about Zoophilia and it's history. Zoophilia isn't something that is recent. It's history goes back centuries.

We hope you're able to get what you need from this site. Some work is still in progress, as there may be some with missing sections, or references. However, depending on it's age, and location of the obtained article. References or citations may be hard to come by.

We allow sign ups on Zoophilia Wiki. Approval is setup to prevent spam. Just a simple bio of what you like to do on the Wiki which will also be on your user bio. Which you can always change later. Simply select Request account, and put in your username and email, and bio. After approval, you'll receive an email with a password to start using the Wiki.