Bodil Joensen

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Bodil Joensen or Bodil Jørgensen (25 September 1944 - 3 January 1985) was a Danish pornographic actor born in the village Hundige, near Copenhagen. (Her name is pronounced "Yu'En-sen"). An animal lover, she ran a small entrepreneurial farm and animal husbandry business, and enjoyed celebrity status from her many pornographic films in which she engaged in sex acts with animals.

An icon and celebrity for a time, with her own successful business, she failed to make the transition to movies when market sentiment changed, and became impoverished, dependent on alcohol, stopped being able to care for her animals, and died some few years later. The love of her life was her dog, but friends comment she was very close to all animals, and before her decline cared deeply and affectionately for every type, from rabbits to pigs.

Early life

File:Bodil locket.png
Bodil carried a picture of her dog Lassie, her first lover, in a locket around her neck for the rest of her life

The daughter of a devout Christian mother and an absentee military father, Bodil grew up in the small village of Hundige near Copenhagen. Her mother was often physically abusive, sometimes violently so, and would whip her. At the age of 12, she was violently raped by a stranger in a railway station[1] (her danish bio says that they "just talked" but her mother believed she had been raped).[2] On returning home to tell her mother, she was beaten and blamed for the incident. Seeking a means to retaliate, she vowed to her mother that when she grew up she would spend her life with boars, commenting in interview that her mother was "so shocked, she thought I was allied to the Devil".[1] Turning to animals for affection, her dog became her best friend, companion and lover, and she wore a locket with his picture for the rest of her life.[1]

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Logo of Jeonsen's animal husbandry business before she turned to pornography, from the documentary "The Dark Side of Porn: Animal Farm"

Initially, after leaving home at 15, Bodil worked on a farm in a conservative area of Denmark. Her landlord, a farmer called Neilsen, commented, "She was passionate about animals", adding that she was entranced by the sight of animals breeding, an activity she stated she found "wonderful" to help with, later leaving to set up her own breeding farm, "Insemination Central", which became popular for her ability to handle aggressive animals such as boar, and was then ruined by country gossip, spread principally by farmers' wives who were unhappy at the prospect of their husbands working with a young single girl on farm business. Friends commented that she "was never given much of a chance" by such people. She commented later that "9 out of 10 men wanted to fuck me, and their wives hated me."[1]

Pornography career

Launched in the context of a failing business and attempts to remain solvent in order to keep her livestock and home, her career in pornography began at age 17 when she appeared in "light fetish" pornography before establishing herself in the bestiality subgenre at around age 25. She starred in a number of feature films and shorts for companies such as Color Climax, and for the pornographer Ole Ege, in which she and other actors had sex with various animal species. Between 1969 and 1972 she starred with animals in over 40 movies.[1]

In this genre, Bodil drew special attention worldwide as the Boar Girl, a reputation earned from her live performances with swine, as well as her participation in films shot with pigs on her own breeding centre. The movies she appeared in combined a peculiar blend of the "tolerant contemporary Danish society" image and Scandinavian rustic nostalgia. Her Danish biography comments of her domestic life: "The scene is classic Rabelaisian more than anything else, harkening back to the Middle Ages when people and their animals often did live in the same house."Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag and went to prison for 30 days. Not one of her animals ultimately survived, and Bodil herself did not recover from seeing them euthenised. With little left, she turned to street prostitution to support herself, her partner (an alcoholic himself) and daughter, although friends comment[1] that even then, she did not want to be with people this way - all she wanted was her animals, as it once had been. Resorting to exchanging any sexual favour for alcohol and tranquillisers, she stated in her final interview that "in my position it is hard to turn down anything, no matter how disgusting... for me, staying alive in the hooking business is hell"[1]

She gave her last interview in 1980[3] and died in 1985. Many believed her to have committed suicide, however in the April 2006 UK documentary, "The Dark Side of Porn: The Search For Animal Farm", which traced the production of the notorious underground film known as Animal Farm from excerpts of her many bestiality films, it was stated by a close friend of Bodil's that she died on January 3, 1985 from cirrhosis of the liver.

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Source for her pre-porn career: Channel 4 documentary Dark Side of Porn, in its study of Animal Farm.
  2. Danish bio (in English)
  3. Interview with Bodil Joensen Warning: Contains pornographic content.