Kelsey Freer (Born 11 October 1992) is an Australian born musician.
Personal life
Kelsey Freer was born October 11 1992 in Sydney Australia where she attended Cherrybrook Technology High School. In 2008 she moved to Los Angeles with her family and was homeschooled. Kelsey is a vegetarian and is a Christian and has been for several years. Freer's family owns their own music shop in Texas Kelsey started working in her families shop. Kelsey start working with Michael in 2012 and got married to him this year on April 28th. Both confirmed that they have three children together. Kelsey loved going to Church with her grandfather but in 2009 her grandfather passed away. In 2008 her parents had slip up and her mum had become a single parent. Kelsey grow up with an older sister and her mother and a step father who left in 2010.
Freer has been interested in music from the age of 6 and was in a school band and attended the school quire. freer has not been in any band since High School but is working on solo work. Kelsey can play the guitar and uses Gretsch guitars (White Falcon, Black Penguin, Silverjet).