Bestiality Pornography - The misrepresentation of Zoophilia

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Pornography has been around for centuries. From cave paintings, to to film, and electronic media.

The oldest artifacts considered pornographic were discovered in Germany in 2008 CE and are dated to be at least 35,000 years old.[1] Throughout the history of erotic depictions various people made attempts to suppress them under obscenity laws, censor, or make them illegal.

The history of Zoophilia has varied from the prehistoric era, where depictions of bestiality appear in European rock art, to the Middle Ages, where bestiality was met with execution.

One of the oldest films relating to Bestiality was "Animal Farm." That was smuggled into Great Britain around 1980, without details of its makers. The film was later traced to a crude juxtaposition of smuggled cuts from many of Bodil Joensen's 1970s Danish movies [2]

The makers of Bestiality Porn

  1. [1]Anthropologist Paul Mellars of Stony Brook University in New York state says the focus on exaggerated sexual features fits with other artifacts found from the period, including phalluses carved out of bison horn and vulva inscribed on rocks. "It's sexually exaggerated to the point of being pornographic", Mellars says. "There's all this sexual symbolism bubbling up in that period. They were sex-mad." Conard used radiocarbon dates from bones and other artifacts found nearby to date the figurine. "It's at least 35,000 calendar years old, but I think it's much older than that", Conard says.
  2. Zoophilia#Pornography