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Baneki is a defunct zoo-operated privacy company. They described themselves as follows.


Benaki Privacy Computing is a legendary incubator for revolutionary socio-technological projects and services. We take pride in catalyzing the development of world-changing frameworks, ideas, movements, and projects. Since 2006, Baneki has provided targeted infrastructure, legal, and strategic services to a range of successful and innovative socio-tech projects, both for-profit and non-profit alike.

"The term 'radical' has the same meaning in politics as it does in mathematics or in the word 'radish.' It simply means 'root.' So a radical would be a person who wants to address the root causes of a particular problem. In the proper sense of the term, I think I've probably become more radical." - Wendell Berry

Our goal is radical social empowerment via structured technological innovation, and our approach is unstintingly no-compromise, open-minded, and diversity-friendly in nature. We do not shy from controversy; indeed, we actively encourage it. For, without those willing to ask "un-askable" questions, humanity would inevitably become trapped in repetitive, destructive, mindless cycles of devolution and dysfunction - ruled by demagogues, bigots, and hard-hearted theocrats.

At root, our loyalty is to our communities, our customers, our stakeholders, our interconnected world, and sentient persons of all types: human, nonhuman, and transhuman alike. Namaste.

"To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." - Buckminster Fuller


Cultureghost, founded in 2007, is an open discussion platform for a broad variety of transformational, unconventional, leading-edge communities, movements, and projects. Since its inception, Cultureghost has survived a massive Amerikan government effort to censor its discussions, and is in process of receiving a major upgrade: cG Reborn. Cultureghost's Twitter stream is

Cryptocloud, founded in 2006, is the world's leading provider of "total protection" against online privacy threats via a VPN-based secure network architecture; CryptoCloud has successfully spun off from Benaki, and is now a 100%-independent project... we wish them well!, founded in 2008, broke new ground in providing protection against extra-legal harassment by media oligopolies of online citizens worldwide; as its technological foundation matured and converged, the project was merged into the CryptoCloud secure network.

The DeepJustice Network is a krysha to protect outspoken activists against the depredations of demagogues, corrupt state power, and mob-rule bigotry via interlocking application of investigative, civil litigation, and public disclosure techniques. The DeepJustice twitterstream is

Deep Symbiosis Institute, an activist/academic collective working towards expanded awareness and appreciation of truly bidirectional, reciprocal, respectful relationships between Homo sapiens and other sentients, self-aware species who share our fragile planet; beyond the culs-de-sac of "animal rights" and "deep ecology" can be found the unbounded landscapes of Deep Symbiosis. The Deep Symbiosis Institute Twitter stream is

Direct Action Capitalism, a nascent movement of individuals and communities worldwide who seek to nurture healthy, durable, diverse economic relationships out of the broken shards and failed experimental detritus of centralized, hegemonic, kleptocratic "global capitalist" economic systems. DAC also researches and explores the growing role of so-called "grey economy" interconnections in worldwide economic systems, and how they show the path forward to a more equitable, robust, durable, respectful model of a human (and nonhuman) social cooperation.