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Leda and the Swan, a 16th century copy after a lost painting by Michelangelo, 1530 (National Gallery, London)

Zoophilia is a paraphilia defined as sexual attraction by humans to animals. Human/animal sexual interaction is referred to as zoosexuality, or simply animal sex; the term bestiality is the actual dictionary term, used especially in legal and negative contexts. The quite ambiguous term sodomy has also sometimes been used for bestiality. In pornography, zoosexuality is occasionally referred to as "farmsex" or "dogsex".

Zoophilia is usually considered to be unnatural, and zoosexuality has been condemned as animal abuse; however, some, such as philosopher and animal rights author Peter Singer, argue that this is not inherently the case. As with BDSM and homosexuality, the activity is no longer classified as a pathology by DSM-IV when taken by itself, and people who practice zoophilia tend to reject the view of their activities as disordered.

The extent to which zoosexuality occurs is controversial (see below). Zoophilia advocates claim that the human/animal relationship goes far beyond sexuality, and that they are capable of forming a loving relationship with an animal that can frequently last several years and that they do not consider functionally different from any other love/sex relationship.

Zoophilia and the law

Zoophilia is illegal in many jurisdictions, while others generally outlaw the mistreatment of animals without specifically mentioning zoosexuality.

Just over half of U.S. states explicitly outlaw zoophilia (sometimes under the name sodomy). In Australia laws are also determined state by state, with only the Australian Capital Territory and Jervis Bay Territory not explicitly outlawing it. In Germany, sex with animals is not specifically outlawed (but pornography showing it is, cf. §184a StGB); in West Germany, the law making it a crime (§175b StGB, which also outlawed homosexual acts) was removed in 1969, while in East Germany (until the German reunification), there never was a law against zoophilia at all. In the United Kingdom, section 69 of the "Sexual Offences Act 2003" reduced the sentence to a maximum of 2 years imprisonment, for certain acts.

An anomaly that arose in many U.S states was that when laws outlawing "sodomy" (generally in the context of male homosexuality) were repealed, some people thought sex with animals would no longer be outlawed, but a recent conviction of a man in Florida proved that even in states with no specific laws against zoophilia animal cruelty statutes can and will be used (see State v/s Mitchel link below)

Six states recently adopted new legislation against zoophilia: Oregon, Maine, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Missouri. In Maine in 2000, there was a court case in which Frank Buble attacked his son Philip with an iron bar, allegedly because of his son's sexual relationship with the family dog, Lady. Philip Buble regarded the dog to be his wife, and wrote a formal letter (signed "Philip and Lady Buble") to the court requesting that his "significant other" be allowed to attend the court hearing. This was declined. However, Frank Buble faced a prison sentence for assault, while no charges were brought against his son. The Bangor Daily News archives show numerous articles on this case, including one detailing Philip Buble's alleged abuse toward his father and advocating zoophilia to the parents of young children on the Internet. Refs: bangordailynews.com

In the Netherlands in 2004, according to the newspapers, there was some concern by a legislator that a man caught having sex in a neighbor's barn with a horse not belonging to him could not be prosecuted because no law was broken. There was no visible injury to the horse; the man who was arrested was caught by the horse's owner in the act.

Zoophilia as a lifestyle

Separate from those whose interest is curiosity, pornography, or sexual novelty, are those for whom zoophilia might be called a lifestyle. A commonly reported starting age is at puberty, around 9 - 11, and this seems consistent for both males and females. Those who discover an interest at an older age often trace it back to nascent form during this period or earlier.

Lifestyle zoophiles tend to share a combination of attitudes that differ in general from non-zoophiles. For example, they perceive the differences between animals and humans as less significant, they perceive animals as having positive traits that humans may lack, and they do not feel as constrained by society's expectations, which are often felt to be misinformed, especially in the realm of sexuality. In addition, a significant proportion of zoophiles are uninvolved with animals on a sexual level.

The biggest issue of their lifestyle is often an inability to be accepted in their relationships. This is not usually an issue of religion, as many zoophiles find religion and zoophilia to be compatible. The other major issue is isolation and loneliness, in the same way as Homosexuals were isolated in earlier centuries. Other common difficulties include the inevitable repeated death of partners due to short lifespan, lack of an acceptable way to grieve, and a society which believes them to be abusive.

Animals and humans differ in sexuality. For most animals, sex carries less importance, is burdened with fewer social and conceptual barriers, and is more an immediate than a conceptual experience. Animals usually will only have sex when the female goes into heat and seeks out a male to mate with. Animals do not place the same emotional attachment to sex that humans do. As a result zoophiles may pursue human-style relationships (in particular, remaining monogamous), animal-style relationships (wherein both partners are trusted to make their own sexual choices, with the human also playing the role of protector), or try to blend the two in various ways.

Zoophiles may or may not have human partners. In some cases the human partner or family is aware of animal partners. As human partnerships are generally encouraged by society, both male and female zoophiles often have human relationships or marry as well.

Zoophilia in pornography

Pornography involving zoosexuality is widely illegal, even in most countries where the act itself is not explicitly outlawed. In the United States, this pornography is automatically considered obscene and therefore may not be sold, mailed or imported (production and mere possession appear to be legal however). Similar restrictions obtain in Germany (cf. §184 StGB [1]).

Materials featuring animal sex are widely available on the Internet, however, mainly because their production and sale is legal in countries like the Netherlands and Denmark. Promoting "stars" began with Danish Bodil Joensen, in the period of 1970-72. Into the 1980s the Dutch took the lead, creating figures like "Wilma" and "Dutch Sisters". Today, in Hungary, where producing zoophilia pornography faces no legal limitations, "bestiality" materials have become a huge industry that produces numerous films, magazines, particularly for the Dutch companies and the genre created its "very own" stars like "Hector" (a Great Dane starring in several films). In Russia, many female mainstream pornographic performers also feel comfortable to appear in such productions.

Pornography of this sort has become known as the stock in trade of a particular class of spammers. Email spam featuring women having sex with goats and dogs usually casts the activity as a form of sexual degradation. Some porn features women stepping on animals while wearing high-heeled shoes

Zoophilia in mythology

Pan copulating with a goat; marble sculpture from the ancient city of Herculaneum

Zoophilia has been a frequent subject in art, literature, and fantasy. In Greek mythology, Zeus appeared to Leda in the form of a swan (resulting in the birth of Helen and Polydeuces), and the Minotaur was the offspring of Queen Pasiphae and a white bull. The god Pan has also been frequently associated with animal sex.

Erotic furry fantasy art and stories have been accused of promoting zoophilia, but defenders point out that the characters are predominantly humanoid fantasy creatures who are thinking, reasoning beings as capable of giving consent as any human. Furry characters have been compared to other non-human characters who are subjects of love/sexuality fantasies, such as the Vulcans and Klingons in Star Trek.

Extent of occurrence

The extent to which zoosexuality occurs is controversial. There have been several estimates assessing the frequency of occurrence, as well as anecdotal evidence and informal "surveys". Allowing for gray areas of definition and weaknesses in method, a reasonable estimate for the Western world would seem to be that 2-8% of sexually active adults have had a zoophilic experience at some point in their lives which was not "once off", and a larger number (perhaps 10-30% depending on area) will have fantasized or had some form of brief encounter. Larger figures such as 50% for farm teenagers have been cited in some surveys, but the quality of the statistics is uncertain to the present writer. Figures of under 1% for sexually active zoophiles are probably unrealistic.

Nancy Friday's acclaimed book on female sexuality "My Secret Garden" was published in 1973 (i.e. well before the Internet). It comprised around 180 womens contributions. Of these, some 10% volunteered a serious interest or active participation in zoophilia.

See also


  • Midas Dekkers: Dearest Pet: On Bestiality, ISBN 1859843107
  • Mark Matthews: The Horseman: Obsessions of a Zoophile, ISBN 0-87975-902-X
  • Andrea Beetz: Love, Violence, and Sexuality in Relationships between Humans and Animals, ISBN 3832200207
  • Marjorie B. Garber: Dog Love, ISBN 0641042728
  • Brenda Love: The Encyclopedia of Unusual Sex Practices, ISBN 1569800111
  • Colin J. Williams and Martin S. Weinberg: Zoophilia in Men: a study of sexual interest in animals. - in: Archives of sexual behavior, Vol. 32, No.6, December 2003, pp. 523-535
  • Nancy Friday: My Secret Garden and sequel Forbidden Flowers, notable for readability, and neutral treatment of a wide scope of women's sexuality including zoophilia.

External links


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