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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Convert/data/doc
This module contains most conversion data used by Module:Convert.
This is a separate file on the assumption that the bytecode will be cached,
and having Module:Convert "require" this should not be slow.
Three data tables follow:
SIprefixes prefixes like 'M' (mega, 10^6)
units all properties for a unit, including default output
defaultunits default output exceptions ('Mg' and 'g' have different defaults)
SIprefixes and defaultunits are maintained by editing this file.
However, the units table is generated by a script which reads the wikitext
for a wiki page that documents properties of units.
The wiki page is currently:
Check values at:
local function clonetable(t)
-- Return a shallow copy of t.
local result = {}
for k, v in pairs(t) do
result[k] = v
return result
local function shouldbe(ucode, shouldbe)
-- Return an error message for a unit that "should be" something else.
-- enwiki Template:Convert outputs a much more elaborate message.
-- LATER: Decide if "shouldbe" is useful, and what to output if it is.
return 'ERROR: Use "' .. shouldbe .. '" (not "' .. ucode .. '") as the unit code.'
local SIprefixes = {
['Y'] = { exponent = 24, name = 'yotta' },
['Z'] = { exponent = 21, name = 'zetta' },
['E'] = { exponent = 18, name = 'exa' },
['P'] = { exponent = 15, name = 'peta' },
['T'] = { exponent = 12, name = 'tera' },
['G'] = { exponent = 9, name = 'giga' },
['M'] = { exponent = 6, name = 'mega' },
['k'] = { exponent = 3, name = 'kilo' },
['H'] = { exponent = 2, name = 'hecto' }, -- not an SI prefix, but allow for people typing this
['h'] = { exponent = 2, name = 'hecto' },
['da']= { exponent = 1, name = 'deca' },
['D'] = { exponent = 1, name = 'deca' }, -- not an SI prefix, but allow for people typing this
['d'] = { exponent = -1, name = 'deci' },
['c'] = { exponent = -2, name = 'centi' },
['m'] = { exponent = -3, name = 'milli' },
['µ'] = { exponent = -6, name = 'micro' },
['u'] = { exponent = -6, name = 'micro' }, -- not an SI prefix, but allow for people typing this
['n'] = { exponent = -9, name = 'nano' },
['p'] = { exponent =-12, name = 'pico' },
['f'] = { exponent =-15, name = 'femto' },
['a'] = { exponent =-18, name = 'atto' },
['z'] = { exponent =-21, name = 'zepto' },
['y'] = { exponent =-24, name = 'yocto' },
local usesubstitute = {
-- If unit has an SI prefix, these fields may have "%s" where prefix belongs.
local function set_prefixes(unit, prefixname)
-- Insert given prefix name into the fields which require it
-- (and which should contain '%s' to be replaced with the prefix).
-- Pity we have to do all this work when most results are not needed,
-- but it's cleaner to do it here rather than in final processing.
if unit.prefixes then
for _, name in ipairs(usesubstitute) do
local value = unit[name]
unit[name] = value:gsub('%%s', prefixname, 1)
-- Do not change the data in this table because it is created by running
-- a script that reads the wikitext from a wiki page (see note above).
local units = {
lookup = function (self, unit)
-- Return true, t where t is the unit's converter table (or false, message).
-- Given 'unit' is a symbol (like 'g'), with an optional SI prefix (as in 'kg').
-- If, for example, 'kg' is in this table, that entry is used; otherwise prefix is applied.
local t = self[unit]
if t ~= nil then
if t.shouldbe then
return false, shouldbe(t.shouldbe, unit)
local result = clonetable(t)
set_prefixes(result, '')
result.baseunit = unit
result.prefix = ''
return true, result
for plen = 2, 1, -1 do
-- Check for longer prefix first ('dam' is decametre).
local prefix = string.sub(unit, 1, plen)
local si = SIprefixes[prefix]
if si then
local baseunit = unit:sub(plen+1)
local t = self[baseunit]
if t and t.prefixes then
local result = clonetable(t)
result.symbol = prefix .. result.symbol
result.sym_us = prefix .. result.sym_us
result.baseunit = baseunit
result.prefix = prefix
result.scale = t.scale * 10 ^ (si.exponent * t.prefixes)
return true, result
local msg = 'Unit %s is not known.[[Category:Convert unknown unit]]'
return false, msg:format(unit)
["m2"] = {
name1 = "square %smetre",
name1_us = "square %smeter",
name2 = "square %smetres",
name2_us = "square %smeters",
symbol = "m<sup>2</sup>",
sym_us = "m<sup>2</sup>",
utype = "area",
scale = 1,
offset = 0,
prefixes = 2,
default = "sqyd",
link = "Square %smetre",
["a"] = {
name1 = "%sare",
name1_us = "%sare",
name2 = "%sares",
name2_us = "%sares",
symbol = "a",
sym_us = "a",
utype = "area",
scale = 100,
offset = 0,
prefixes = 1,
default = "acre",
link = "Hectare#Are",
["ha"] = {
name1 = "hectare",
name1_us = "hectare",
name2 = "hectares",
name2_us = "hectares",
symbol = "ha",
sym_us = "ha",
utype = "area",
scale = 10000,
offset = 0,
default = "acre",
link = "Hectare",
["sqft"] = {
name1 = "square foot",
name1_us = "square foot",
name2 = "square feet",
name2_us = "square feet",
symbol = "sq ft",
sym_us = "sq ft",
utype = "area",
scale = 0.09290304,
offset = 0,
default = "m2",
link = "Square foot",
["ft2"] = {
name1 = "square foot",
name1_us = "square foot",
name2 = "square feet",
name2_us = "square feet",
symbol = "sq ft",
sym_us = "sq ft",
utype = "area",
scale = 0.09290304,
offset = 0,
default = "m2",
link = "Square foot",
["sqfoot"] = {
name1 = "square foot",
name1_us = "square foot",
name2 = "square foot",
name2_us = "square foot",
symbol = "sq ft",
sym_us = "sq ft",
utype = "area",
scale = 0.09290304,
offset = 0,
default = "m2",
link = "Square foot",
["foot2"] = {
name1 = "square foot",
name1_us = "square foot",
name2 = "square foot",
name2_us = "square foot",
symbol = "sq ft",
sym_us = "sq ft",
utype = "area",
scale = 0.09290304,
offset = 0,
default = "m2",
link = "Square foot",
["sqyd"] = {
name1 = "square yard",
name1_us = "square yard",
name2 = "square yards",
name2_us = "square yards",
symbol = "sq yd",
sym_us = "sq yd",
utype = "area",
scale = 0.83612736,
offset = 0,
default = "m2",
link = "Square yard",
["sqin"] = {
name1 = "square inch",
name1_us = "square inch",
name2 = "square inches",
name2_us = "square inches",
symbol = "sq in",
sym_us = "sq in",
utype = "area",
scale = 0.00064516,
offset = 0,
default = "cm2",
link = "Square inch",
["acre"] = {
name1 = "acre",
name1_us = "acre",
name2 = "acres",
name2_us = "acres",
symbol = "acre",
sym_us = "acre",
utype = "area",
scale = 4046.8564224,
offset = 0,
default = "ha",
link = "Acre",
["m"] = {
name1 = "%smetre",
name1_us = "%smeter",
name2 = "%smetres",
name2_us = "%smeters",
symbol = "m",
sym_us = "m",
utype = "length",
scale = 1,
offset = 0,
prefixes = 1,
default = "ft",
link = "%smetre",
["mi"] = {
name1 = "mile",
name1_us = "mile",
name2 = "miles",
name2_us = "miles",
symbol = "mi",
sym_us = "mi",
utype = "length",
scale = 1609.344,
offset = 0,
default = "km",
link = "Mile",
["ft"] = {
name1 = "foot",
name1_us = "foot",
name2 = "feet",
name2_us = "feet",
symbol = "ft",
sym_us = "ft",
utype = "length",
scale = 0.3048,
offset = 0,
default = "m",
link = "Foot (unit)",
["foot"] = {
name1 = "foot",
name1_us = "foot",
name2 = "foot",
name2_us = "foot",
symbol = "ft",
sym_us = "ft",
utype = "length",
scale = 0.3048,
offset = 0,
default = "m",
link = "Foot (unit)",
["feet"] = {
shouldbe = "ft",
["yd"] = {
name1 = "yard",
name1_us = "yard",
name2 = "yards",
name2_us = "yards",
symbol = "yd",
sym_us = "yd",
utype = "length",
scale = 0.3048 * 3,
offset = 0,
default = "m",
link = "Yard",
["in"] = {
name1 = "inch",
name1_us = "inch",
name2 = "inches",
name2_us = "inches",
symbol = "in",
sym_us = "in",
utype = "length",
scale = 0.0254,
offset = 0,
default = "cm",
link = "Inch",
["g"] = {
name1 = "%sgram",
name1_us = "%sgram",
name2 = "%sgrams",
name2_us = "%sgrams",
symbol = "g",
sym_us = "g",
utype = "mass",
scale = 0.001,
offset = 0,
prefixes = 1,
default = "oz",
link = "%sgram",
["lb"] = {
name1 = "pound",
name1_us = "pound",
name2 = "pounds",
name2_us = "pounds",
symbol = "lb",
sym_us = "lb",
utype = "mass",
scale = 0.45359237,
offset = 0,
default = "kg",
link = "Pound (mass)",
["oz"] = {
name1 = "ounce",
name1_us = "ounce",
name2 = "ounces",
name2_us = "ounces",
symbol = "oz",
sym_us = "oz",
utype = "mass",
scale = 0.45359237/16,
offset = 0,
default = "g",
link = "Ounce",
["ozt"] = {
name1 = "troy ounce",
name1_us = "troy ounce",
name2 = "troy ounces",
name2_us = "troy ounces",
symbol = "ozt",
sym_us = "ozt",
utype = "mass",
scale = 0.0311034768,
offset = 0,
default = "g",
link = "Troy ounce",
["K"] = {
name1 = "kelvin",
name1_us = "kelvin",
name2 = "kelvins",
name2_us = "kelvins",
symbol = "K",
sym_us = "K",
utype = "temperature",
scale = 1,
offset = 0,
default = "C",
link = "Kelvin",
["C"] = {
name1 = "degree Celsius",
name1_us = "degree Celsius",
name2 = "degrees Celsius",
name2_us = "degrees Celsius",
symbol = "°C",
sym_us = "°C",
utype = "temperature",
scale = 1,
offset = -273.15,
default = "F",
link = "Celsius",
["°C"] = {
name1 = "degree Celsius",
name1_us = "degree Celsius",
name2 = "degrees Celsius",
name2_us = "degrees Celsius",
symbol = "°C",
sym_us = "°C",
utype = "temperature",
scale = 1,
offset = -273.15,
default = "F",
link = "Celsius",
["F"] = {
name1 = "degree Fahrenheit",
name1_us = "degree Fahrenheit",
name2 = "degrees Fahrenheit",
name2_us = "degrees Fahrenheit",
symbol = "°F",
sym_us = "°F",
utype = "temperature",
scale = 5/9,
offset = 32-273.15*(9/5),
default = "C",
link = "Fahrenheit",
["°F"] = {
name1 = "degree Fahrenheit",
name1_us = "degree Fahrenheit",
name2 = "degrees Fahrenheit",
name2_us = "degrees Fahrenheit",
symbol = "°F",
sym_us = "°F",
utype = "temperature",
scale = 5/9,
offset = 32-273.15*(9/5),
default = "C",
link = "Fahrenheit",
["m3"] = {
name1 = "cubic %smetre",
name1_us = "cubic %smeter",
name2 = "cubic %smetres",
name2_us = "cubic %smeters",
symbol = "m<sup>3</sup>",
sym_us = "m<sup>3</sup>",
utype = "volume",
scale = 1,
offset = 0,
prefixes = 3,
default = "cuyd",
link = "Cubic %smetre",
["l"] = {
name1 = "%slitre",
name1_us = "%sliter",
name2 = "%slitres",
name2_us = "%sliters",
symbol = "l",
sym_us = "l",
utype = "volume",
scale = 0.001,
offset = 0,
prefixes = 1,
default = "imppt",
link = "Litre",
["L"] = {
name1 = "%slitre",
name1_us = "%sliter",
name2 = "%slitres",
name2_us = "%sliters",
symbol = "L",
sym_us = "L",
utype = "volume",
scale = 0.001,
offset = 0,
prefixes = 1,
default = "imppt",
link = "Litre",
["cuyd"] = {
name1 = "cubic yard",
name1_us = "cubic yard",
name2 = "cubic yards",
name2_us = "cubic yards",
symbol = "cu yd",
sym_us = "cu yd",
utype = "volume",
scale = 0.764554857984,
offset = 0,
default = "m3",
link = "Cubic yard",
["USgal"] = {
name1 = "US gallon",
name1_us = "U.S. gallon",
name2 = "US gallons",
name2_us = "U.S. gallons",
symbol = "US gal",
sym_us = "U.S. gal",
utype = "volume",
scale = 0.003785411784,
offset = 0,
default = "L",
link = "US gallon",
["USoz"] = {
name1 = "US fluid ounce",
name1_us = "U.S. fluid ounce",
name2 = "US fluid ounces",
name2_us = "U.S. fluid ounces",
symbol = "US fl oz",
sym_us = "U.S. fl oz",
utype = "volume",
scale = 0.003785411784/128,
offset = 0,
default = "cL",
link = "US fluid ounce",
["USpt"] = {
name1 = "U.S. pint",
name1_us = "U.S. pint",
name2 = "U.S. pints",
name2_us = "U.S. pints",
symbol = "US pt",
sym_us = "US pt",
utype = "volume",
scale = 0.003785411784/8,
offset = 0,
default = "dL",
["impgal"] = {
name1 = "imperial gallon",
name1_us = "imperial gallon",
name2 = "imperial gallons",
name2_us = "imperial gallons",
symbol = "imp gal",
sym_us = "imp gal",
utype = "volume",
scale = 0.00454609,
offset = 0,
default = "L",
link = "Imperial gallon",
["impoz"] = {
name1 = "imperial fluid ounce",
name1_us = "imperial fluid ounce",
name2 = "imperial fluid ounces",
name2_us = "imperial fluid ounces",
symbol = "imp fl oz",
sym_us = "imp fl oz",
utype = "volume",
scale = 0.00454609/160,
offset = 0,
default = "cL",
link = "Imperial fluid ounce",
["imppt"] = {
name1 = "imperial pint",
name1_us = "imperial pint",
name2 = "imperial pints",
name2_us = "imperial pints",
symbol = "imp pt",
sym_us = "imp pt",
utype = "volume",
scale = 0.00454609/8,
offset = 0,
default = "dL",
link = "Imperial pint",
local defaultunits = {
lookup = function (self, unit_table)
-- Return true, s where s = name of unit's default output unit (or false, message).
local baseunit = unit_table.baseunit
local prefix = unit_table.prefix
local unit = prefix .. baseunit
local default = self[unit]
if default ~= nil then return true, default end
local t = units[baseunit]
if t ~= nil then
local default = t.default
if default ~= nil then return true, default end
local msg = 'Unit %s has no default target conversion.[[Category:Convert unknown unit]]'
return false, msg:format(unit)
-- Prefixed units with a default different from that of the base unit.
['kg'] = 'lb',
['Mg'] = 'lb',
['Gg'] = 'lb',
['pm'] = 'in',
['nm'] = 'in',
['um'] = 'in',
['mm'] = 'in',
['cm'] = 'in',
['dm'] = 'in',
['dam'] = 'yd',
['Hm'] = 'yd',
['km'] = 'mi',
['Mm'] = 'mi',
['mL'] = 'impoz',
['cL'] = 'impoz',
['dL'] = 'impoz',
['daL'] = 'impgal',
['HL'] = 'impgal',
return {
units = units,
defaultunits = defaultunits,