Template:Citation Style documentation/quote

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  • quote: A relevant text snippet quoted from the source, displayed enclosed in double quotation marks. When supplied, the citation terminator (a full stop . or "period" by default) is suppressed, so the quote must include terminating punctuation. If script-quote is defined, use quote to hold a Romanization (if available) of the text in script-quote.
    • script-quote: The original quotation supplied to quote, for languages that do not use a Latin-based script (Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, etc.), shown unitalicized following the italicized Romanization defined in quote (if available). Must be prefixed with one of the supported language codes to help browsers properly display the script. Alias: none.
      …|quote=Tōkyō tawā|script-quote=ja:東京タワー|trans-quote=Tokyo Tower…
    • trans-quote: The English translation of the quotation, if the source quoted is in a foreign language, displayed enclosed by square brackets. Alias: none.
  • quote-page: The number of a single page quoted in quote; use either quote-page or quote-pages, but not both. This should be a subset of the page(s) specified in page, pages or at. Shown preceded by p., unless |no-pp=yes is specified. If hyphenated, use {{Hyphen}} to indicate this is intentional (e.g. |quote-page=3{{Hyphen}}12). Alias: none.
  • quote-pages: A list or range of pages quoted in quote; use either quote-page or quote-pages, but not both. This should be a subset of the pages specified in pages or at. Use an en dash (–) to indicate the page range, separating non-sequential pages with a comma ,. Output is preceded by pp. unless |no-pp=yes is defined. Hyphens are automatically converted to en dashes; if hyphens are appropriate because individual page numbers contain hyphens, such as: pp. 3-1–3-15, use doubled parentheses to force the template to display the value of quote-pages without processing it, and use {{Hyphen}} to indicate to other editors that a hyphen is really intended, as in: |quote-pages=((3{{Hyphen}}1{{Ndash}}3{{Hyphen}}15)). Alias: none.