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Hyderabad's News weekly

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On the significant occasion corresponding to completion of our six years of dedicated serv¬ice of providing news, views and fea¬tures to our readers; we at ‘Deccan Post" always endeav¬ored to provide analytical news, views across the broad spectrum. Despite many changes around us, we still feel the same enthusiasm to serve you even more-better in the coming times too. On the occasion of our publication

yet another significant mile¬stone in enriching the gifts of freedom of speech and expres-sion ‧ we take pride in informing you that with this issue we are stepping into seventh year of our newsweekly publication. Our thoughts on this occasion are anxiously directed towards the well being of our readers who belong to different regions of our state although a majority of them resides in the City of Hyderabad. 

The prospect of an imminent political change concerning the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh State to form new State of Telangana has become a huge dilemma affecting the future of many individuals and organizations. Political happenings have most often impacted our lives. Today, politics has become an important aspect of our lives. Our governments have become highly politically oriented. The agitation for and against state¬hood for Telangana during the last several years has rendered the state administration rudderless. The educated youth in search of opportunities were badly affected. The professionals belonging to various streams are a concerned and a frustrated lot. In fact, the volatile political situation has disturbed every¬one in the system with media being no exception. The entire media in our state has taken a position this way or that way9 with none able to avoid the temptation of successfully staying neutral. The media unwittingly joined and complicated the political mess. Today, people of both regions in the state are so diametrically opposed to each other that any sort of decision that is just and fair for both is seemingly sus¬picious. There are varying opinions among the common peo¬ple about bifurcation. The media too got divided on this sensitive issue. They too have taken sides. Some desire Telan¬gana state coming into being. Some others dread it. Some have been seeking to avert it. All in all, the media in general has been quite biased with a few managing to swing both ways. But the entire vernacular media (Telugu) has become com-pletely involved in the state bifurcation issue without excep¬tion vitiating the collective conscience of the people. This is a dangerous phenomenon in our system. The media has been reckoned the fourth estate in our modern day governance. It’s been someone who was trusted to act as a watchdog in our society when other organs tend to sway elsewhere unwarrantedly. Therefore in times like these --¬We appeal to everyone in the media to think objectively; act rationally and discharge their duties diligently. First we our¬selves at Deccan Post sincerely resolve to make a humble beginning from our end towards fostering good will amongst the affected lot. Hoping for a better future, we make no prediction in re¬gard to anything. But we do fondly hope--fervently pray--that this mighty scourge of parochialism may speedily pass away. Yet, if destiny wills that it continues for times to come and until it is amicably resolved9 it’s time we all take a pledge that we shall strive to spread the message of goodwill and act as an instrument capable of healing the wounds and not otherwise. With Warm Regards and Best Wishes on behalf of our Staff & Contributors.