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This template builds nicer-looking common fractions. It takes one, two or three parameters: the optional integer (maybe signed), the optional numerator and the required denominator; in this order.

A+BC (integer, numerator and denominator)
A<s style="display:none">+</s><small><sup>B</sup><big>⁄</big><sub>C</sub></small>
AB (numerator and denominator)
1A (denominator only)

½ "⅓" "¼" ⅛ ½ ⅓ ⅔ ¼ ½ ¾ ⅛ ¼ ⅜ ½ ⅝ ¾ ⅞

de:Vorlage:Bruch es:Plantilla:Fracción ja:Template:分数 mk:Шаблон:Дроп simple:Template:Frac