Beloved Animal, The Story of An Intimate Relationship

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Title : beloved animal, the story of an intimate relationship

Author : Midas Dekkers

Published by Rowohlt TB-Verlag, Reinbek in December, 1996

ISBN : ISBN 3-49919-946-7

Price : EUR 10.17

Other : Paperback, 266 pages

Content: The love for animals knows many varieties, and it would be false to deny that there are also very intimate ones among them. From ancient myths to the cuddly cat of the present, our dealings with fellow creatures have always had a physical component. The author happily demonstrates that it is only a small step from cuddling with the animal to becoming zoophilia . In any case, the animals don't make that big a difference ...

The love for animals knows many varieties. Midas Dekkers presents them in a large cultural and historical panorama. It shows that, from ancient myths to the contemporary cuddly cat, the love of domesticated animals always has a physical aspect. The often flowing transitions to sodomy form a cultural taboo; Dekkers relaxed the issue of the fact that they exist anyway. More often than in reality, however, it can be observed in the imagination, in literature and art, as Dekkers' numerous examples show. Dutch critics voted the book the non-fiction book of the year.