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Category:All free media
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Media in category "All free media"
The following 53 files are in this category, out of 53 total.
Ambox important.svg 40 × 40; 7 KB
Ambox warning orange.svg 800 × 800; 846 bytes
Ambox warning pn.svg 800 × 800; 833 bytes
Ambox warning yellow.svg 386 × 334; 2 KB
Approve icon.png 620 × 620; 55 KB
Blue question mark.png 600 × 600; 56 KB
Blue X mark.png 256 × 256; 7 KB
Box with bold script X.svg 719 × 719; 485 bytes
Commons-logo.svg File missing
Dark yellow X mark.png 240 × 240; 4 KB
Edit-clear.svg 48 × 48; 8 KB
Flag of Brazil.svg File missing
Flag of England.svg File missing
Flag of France.svg File missing
Flag of Germany.svg File missing
Flag of Herm.svg 800 × 480; 24 KB
Flag of India.svg File missing
Flag of Italy.svg File missing
Flag of Japan.svg File missing
Flag of Poland.svg File missing
Flag of Russia.svg File missing
Flag of Spain.svg File missing
Flag of Tanzania.svg 900 × 600; 458 bytes
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg File missing
Flag of the United States.svg File missing
Folder Hexagonal Icon.svg File missing
Full-protection-shackle.svg 800 × 800; 749 bytes
Gray X mark.png 240 × 240; 10 KB
Icon - upload photo.svg File missing
Imbox-license.png 600 × 600; 39 KB
Indigo X mark.png 128 × 128; 8 KB
Information icon4.svg 800 × 800; 1 KB
Lock-gray-alt-2.svg 512 × 813; 516 bytes
Lock-green.svg 512 × 813; 432 bytes
Lock-red-alt-2.svg 597 × 947; 2 KB
Loving animals.jpg 320 × 480; 87 KB
Magnifying glass 01.svg 128 × 128; 7 KB
Nuvola Green Plus.png 128 × 128; 10 KB
Orange X mark gradient.png 210 × 240; 9 KB
Purple question mark.svg File missing
Question book-new.svg 512 × 399; 13 KB
Red x.svg 600 × 600; 1 KB
Redirect arrow without text (cropped).svg 16 × 14; 2 KB
Searchtool.svg File missing
Softredirarrow.svg 360 × 160; 915 bytes
Stop hand nuvola.svg File missing
Sub-arrows 2.svg 60 × 69; 2 KB
Symbol neutral vote.svg File missing
Symbol question.svg 180 × 185; 1 KB
Symbol redirect vote2.svg 200 × 200; 3 KB
Symbol support vote.svg File missing
Unchecked box.svg 30 × 30; 208 bytes
Wikipedia-logo-v2.svg File missing