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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent nec augue in metus vehicula auctor sed ut quam. Sed nec sem vitae ligula aliquam imperdiet. Phasellus nec viverra augue. Etiam sit amet dictum enim, ac aliquam lacus. Ut sed vestibulum tortor, in egestas ex. Nullam sit amet sagittis turpis. Proin semper interdum quam vitae finibus. Integer volutpat arcu a massa faucibus efficitur. Aliquam posuere, nibh eu dapibus efficitur, augue ex vulputate elit, eget dignissim libero nunc vel urna. Ut eu ante non enim dictum commodo. Vestibulum tincidunt urna eget erat eleifend, eu feugiat ante semper. Aliquam rutrum iaculis turpis. Phasellus lobortis nisi ut massa maximus sodales. Nullam bibendum at eros non feugiat. Fusce malesuada velit a congue auctor. Curabitur condimentum, ipsum vitae tempor tincidunt, felis orci vehicula urna, ornare scelerisque turpis mi ac urna.

Integer eu dapibus erat, sit amet tempus nulla. Maecenas pharetra enim a sapien congue pharetra. Fusce eu sem a augue convallis vulputate. Duis non tincidunt purus. In eget placerat nisi. Donec sit amet faucibus nunc, vitae fermentum elit. Donec at faucibus quam.

Proin a quam eleifend, aliquam erat sit amet, vulputate libero. In ligula nisi, pellentesque in dui sit amet, maximus ultricies dui. Maecenas urna libero, gravida et tellus ac, lacinia gravida sem. Etiam ac lobortis ante, ac convallis est. Phasellus maximus leo sed sagittis elementum. Pellentesque vestibulum leo eu lobortis ultricies. Ut dapibus enim vel tellus volutpat, vitae efficitur risus pretium. Donec efficitur dictum risus, vel elementum neque mollis non. Maecenas finibus feugiat molestie. Sed fermentum nisl iaculis eros finibus, a convallis dolor mattis.

Morbi ullamcorper in dolor sed aliquam. Duis ut augue sit amet risus mollis porttitor vel et est. Vivamus elit neque, venenatis vel bibendum et, ultricies at nisl. Aenean lectus neque, pellentesque sed elit sit amet, sollicitudin consequat libero. Sed auctor arcu at pretium convallis. Aenean nec viverra ligula, in tristique diam. Donec augue neque, fringilla nec dolor blandit, mollis convallis magna. Curabitur nec feugiat lorem. Suspendisse pretium faucibus erat malesuada malesuada. In gravida commodo ipsum id pharetra. Ut accumsan nisl eget felis hendrerit fringilla. Etiam tellus sem, cursus eu tellus id, interdum vulputate felis. Duis mollis mi et lectus vehicula aliquet.

Curabitur nec egestas libero, quis bibendum ante. Nunc pretium aliquam justo, vel imperdiet sem faucibus vel. Cras sit amet lorem orci. Quisque libero nibh, consectetur ultrices erat quis, tincidunt sollicitudin eros. Donec ultricies quis odio id tincidunt. Praesent dui ex, facilisis et arcu nec, congue tempor est. Suspendisse lorem leo, feugiat eget sagittis id, lacinia et lorem. Maecenas sapien massa, ultricies ac mi at, blandit vestibulum enim.


Selected Article

Consent is very important to zoophiles – they get pleasure from giving pleasure to the animals that they are with.

Different species have various vocalizations as well as body language, and with these forms of communication they either deliver or withhold consent. Zoos are sure to make sure they get their animal’s explicit consent each step of the way, and doing otherwise can prove hazardous. Many animals such as medium or large dogs (not to mention ungulates, which weigh much more) are all certainly capable of delivering a firm ‘no’ that will leave the person with no doubt in their mind whether the animal wants sexual contact or not.

Signs of consent include solicitous behaviors such as pawing at the person, rubbing their face or other body parts against them, humping in males (and occasionally females) as well as females standing and flagging.

Signs of non-consent include bared teeth, pinned ears, fur standing on end, as well as hissing, growling, and other angry vocalizations. Freezing in place and widening of the eyes are signs of dubious consent and if the animal’s behavior does not quickly change toward positive, it is a sign that one must stop attempting to stimulate the animal.

Some animals are receptive at all times and always on the lookout for an opportunity to be sexual, while some others require a good bit of foreplay to get them aroused, and still others simply will not have sex with a human. Each animal is different...


Selected Article

Consent is very important to zoophiles – they get pleasure from giving pleasure to the animals that they are with.

Different species have various vocalizations as well as body language, and with these forms of communication they either deliver or withhold consent. Zoos are sure to make sure they get their animal’s explicit consent each step of the way, and doing otherwise can prove hazardous. Many animals such as medium or large dogs (not to mention ungulates, which weigh much more) are all certainly capable of delivering a firm ‘no’ that will leave the person with no doubt in their mind whether the animal wants sexual contact or not.

Signs of consent include solicitous behaviors such as pawing at the person, rubbing their face or other body parts against them, humping in males (and occasionally females) as well as females standing and flagging.

Signs of non-consent include bared teeth, pinned ears, fur standing on end, as well as hissing, growling, and other angry vocalizations. Freezing in place and widening of the eyes are signs of dubious consent and if the animal’s behavior does not quickly change toward positive, it is a sign that one must stop attempting to stimulate the animal.

Some animals are receptive at all times and always on the lookout for an opportunity to be sexual, while some others require a good bit of foreplay to get them aroused, and still others simply will not have sex with a human. Each animal is different...