Module:Lang/ISO 639 synonyms

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This module contains data taken directly from a local copy of data copied from the table at Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages on the ISO 639-1 and ISO 639-2 custodian's website.

The table in this module was created using Module:Language/data/ISO 639-2/make. There should be no need to hand edit this table, so please do not do so except to reflect changes that are actually present in the source (in which case it is probably better to re-run the extraction tool on the new data).

-- File-Date: 2013-01-11
return {
	["aar"] = {"aa"},
	["abk"] = {"ab"},
	["afr"] = {"af"},
	["aka"] = {"ak"},
	["amh"] = {"am"},
	["ara"] = {"ar"},
	["arg"] = {"an"},
	["asm"] = {"as"},
	["ava"] = {"av"},
	["ave"] = {"ae"},
	["aym"] = {"ay"},
	["aze"] = {"az"},
	["bak"] = {"ba"},
	["bam"] = {"bm"},
	["bel"] = {"be"},
	["ben"] = {"bn"},
	["bih"] = {"bh"},
	["bis"] = {"bi"},
	["bod"] = {"bo"},
	["bos"] = {"bs"},
	["bre"] = {"br"},
	["bul"] = {"bg"},
	["cat"] = {"ca"},
	["ces"] = {"cs"},
	["cha"] = {"ch"},
	["che"] = {"ce"},
	["chu"] = {"cu"},
	["chv"] = {"cv"},
	["cor"] = {"kw"},
	["cos"] = {"co"},
	["cre"] = {"cr"},
	["cym"] = {"cy"},
	["dan"] = {"da"},
	["deu"] = {"de"},
	["div"] = {"dv"},
	["dzo"] = {"dz"},
	["ell"] = {"el"},
	["eng"] = {"en"},
	["epo"] = {"eo"},
	["est"] = {"et"},
	["eus"] = {"eu"},
	["ewe"] = {"ee"},
	["fao"] = {"fo"},
	["fas"] = {"fa"},
	["fij"] = {"fj"},
	["fin"] = {"fi"},
	["fra"] = {"fr"},
	["fry"] = {"fy"},
	["ful"] = {"ff"},
	["gla"] = {"gd"},
	["gle"] = {"ga"},
	["glg"] = {"gl"},
	["glv"] = {"gv"},
	["grn"] = {"gn"},
	["guj"] = {"gu"},
	["hat"] = {"ht"},
	["hau"] = {"ha"},
	["heb"] = {"he"},
	["her"] = {"hz"},
	["hin"] = {"hi"},
	["hmo"] = {"ho"},
	["hrv"] = {"hr"},
	["hun"] = {"hu"},
	["hye"] = {"hy"},
	["ibo"] = {"ig"},
	["ido"] = {"io"},
	["iii"] = {"ii"},
	["iku"] = {"iu"},
	["ile"] = {"ie"},
	["ina"] = {"ia"},
	["ind"] = {"id"},
	["ipk"] = {"ik"},
	["isl"] = {"is"},
	["ita"] = {"it"},
	["jav"] = {"jv"},
	["jpn"] = {"ja"},
	["kal"] = {"kl"},
	["kan"] = {"kn"},
	["kas"] = {"ks"},
	["kat"] = {"ka"},
	["kau"] = {"kr"},
	["kaz"] = {"kk"},
	["khm"] = {"km"},
	["kik"] = {"ki"},
	["kin"] = {"rw"},
	["kir"] = {"ky"},
	["kom"] = {"kv"},
	["kon"] = {"kg"},
	["kor"] = {"ko"},
	["kua"] = {"kj"},
	["kur"] = {"ku"},
	["lao"] = {"lo"},
	["lat"] = {"la"},
	["lav"] = {"lv"},
	["lim"] = {"li"},
	["lin"] = {"ln"},
	["lit"] = {"lt"},
	["ltz"] = {"lb"},
	["lub"] = {"lu"},
	["lug"] = {"lg"},
	["mah"] = {"mh"},
	["mal"] = {"ml"},
	["mar"] = {"mr"},
	["mkd"] = {"mk"},
	["mlg"] = {"mg"},
	["mlt"] = {"mt"},
	["mon"] = {"mn"},
	["mri"] = {"mi"},
	["msa"] = {"ms"},
	["mya"] = {"my"},
	["nau"] = {"na"},
	["nav"] = {"nv"},
	["nbl"] = {"nr"},
	["nde"] = {"nd"},
	["ndo"] = {"ng"},
	["nep"] = {"ne"},
	["nld"] = {"nl"},
	["nno"] = {"nn"},
	["nob"] = {"nb"},
	["nor"] = {"no"},
	["nya"] = {"ny"},
	["oci"] = {"oc"},
	["oji"] = {"oj"},
	["ori"] = {"or"},
	["orm"] = {"om"},
	["oss"] = {"os"},
	["pan"] = {"pa"},
	["pli"] = {"pi"},
	["pol"] = {"pl"},
	["por"] = {"pt"},
	["pus"] = {"ps"},
	["que"] = {"qu"},
	["roh"] = {"rm"},
	["ron"] = {"ro"},
	["run"] = {"rn"},
	["rus"] = {"ru"},
	["sag"] = {"sg"},
	["san"] = {"sa"},
	["sin"] = {"si"},
	["slk"] = {"sk"},
	["slv"] = {"sl"},
	["sme"] = {"se"},
	["smo"] = {"sm"},
	["sna"] = {"sn"},
	["snd"] = {"sd"},
	["som"] = {"so"},
	["sot"] = {"st"},
	["spa"] = {"es"},
	["sqi"] = {"sq"},
	["srd"] = {"sc"},
	["srp"] = {"sr"},
	["ssw"] = {"ss"},
	["sun"] = {"su"},
	["swa"] = {"sw"},
	["swe"] = {"sv"},
	["tah"] = {"ty"},
	["tam"] = {"ta"},
	["tat"] = {"tt"},
	["tel"] = {"te"},
	["tgk"] = {"tg"},
	["tgl"] = {"tl"},
	["tha"] = {"th"},
	["tir"] = {"ti"},
	["ton"] = {"to"},
	["tsn"] = {"tn"},
	["tso"] = {"ts"},
	["tuk"] = {"tk"},
	["tur"] = {"tr"},
	["twi"] = {"tw"},
	["uig"] = {"ug"},
	["ukr"] = {"uk"},
	["urd"] = {"ur"},
	["uzb"] = {"uz"},
	["ven"] = {"ve"},
	["vie"] = {"vi"},
	["vol"] = {"vo"},
	["wln"] = {"wa"},
	["wol"] = {"wo"},
	["xho"] = {"xh"},
	["yid"] = {"yi"},
	["yor"] = {"yo"},
	["zha"] = {"za"},
	["zho"] = {"zh"},
	["zul"] = {"zu"}