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I’m male and in my late 20s from Thuringia with a lifelong deep connection to animals, especially horses. Though I wanted to ride as a child, societal pressure held me back. In my teens, I explored these feelings online and made connections.

I tried riding during my apprenticeship, but mistreatment of horses in stables pushed me away. I became more involved in the community but distanced myself five years ago due to other life priorities and fear of being discovered.

After facing health issues and depression, I’ve had time to reflect and realized my connection to horses remains. I want to integrate this into my life, possibly by working with horses or having my "own" in the future, and I seek to share my thoughts rather than be alone with them.

I think it's especially important to document and to preserve all the efforts fellow Zoos did in the past and present and generally make us more visible. That's the reason why I want to take part in this Wiki.