Who are these Zoophiles?

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Who are these Zoophiles?

As the name itself suggests, these are people in whom an animal assumes a partner-like position. Zoophiles are students, workers, employees, freelancers, academics, civil servants, etc.

Where are these Zoophiles

You can meet them in the supermarket, at the gas station, on the street, on the bus or in the S-Bahn, on a walk or in the office. In other words, zoophiles are actual people like you and me, the only difference being that they also have sexual feelings for animals.

First and foremost, zoophiles see the love for animals. Any kind of violence is rejected in relation to the animal. Just as one builds a relationship with a partner for the sake of love among people, their animal partner is also loved among these people. In the same way, the sexual side is only carried out with mutual consent.


Zoophiles associate their affection with a strong emotional attachment to the animal with which they are related; if it is injured or sick, the zoophile suffers with it. These people expect such empathy from every other zoophile.

Zoosadism is Not Accepted in the Zoo Community

Then there is the "bad" side. These people are not interested in the love of animals, even if they like to use it as an excuse. They only have their own sexual gratification in mind. The animal is viewed as an object of pleasure that is simply used or abused as needed. Such people are rejected by most zoophiles for their actions. This should be clear to everyone who does not see animals only as disposable items.

The Misconception

If you want to deal with this topic as well as with people in a value-neutral way, you have to differentiate between these two "sides". Otherwise it is easy to be subject to common prejudices.

