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This article covers the '''historical and cultural aspects of [[zoophilia]]''' (also known as '''bestiality'''), from prehistory onwards.
This article covers the '''historical and cultural aspects of [[zoophilia]]''' (also known as '''bestiality'''), from prehistory onwards.

==Ancient, Greek and Roman==
''[[Caveat]] - It is important to be aware that some of the descriptions in antiquity may have been written from a [[political agenda]] or [[bias]], that is, with the intent of portraying a given target group intentionally negatively. Reader judgement is necessary when considering such source material.''
Depictions of human sexual activity with animals appear infrequently in [[prehistoric art]]. Possibly the oldest depiction, and the only known example from the [[Palaeolithic]] (prior to the [[Neolithic revolution|domestication of animals]]), is found in the [[Côa Valley Paleolithic Art|Vale do Côa]] in [[Portugal]]. It shows a man with an exaggerated, erect penis juxtaposed with a goat. However, there is some doubt that the two figures are contemporary; while the goat is depicted in characteristic palaeolithic style, the scene may have been altered in a later period with the insertion of the human figure.<ref>{{cite journal|last=Angulo Cuesta|first=J.|last2=García Diez|first2=M.|title=Diversity and meaning of Palaeolithic phallic male representations in Western Europe|journal=Actas Urol Esp|year=2006|volume=30|issue=3|pages=254–267|url=http://www.actasurologicas.info/v30/n03/ENG/3003OR02.htm}}</ref>
{{See also|Leda and the Swan}}
From the [[Neolithic]] onwards, images of zoophilia are slightly more common. Examples are found at ''Coren del Valento'', a cave in [[Val Camonica]], [[Italy]], containing [[rock art]] dating from 10,000 BCE to as late as the [[Middle Ages]], one depicting a man penetrating a horse,<ref>{{cite journal|last=Anati|first=E.|title=The Way of Life Recorded in the Rock Art of Valcamonica|journal=Adoranten|year=2008|issue=2008|url=http://www.ssfpa.se/pdf/2008/anati_adorant08.pdf|publisher=Scandinavian Society for Prehistoric Art}}</ref> and [[Sagaholm]], a [[Bronze Age]] [[cairn]] in [[Sweden]] where there are several [[petroglyphs]] with similar scenes.<ref>{{cite web|title=Sagaholm|url=http://home.online.no/~wen-mja/ontherocks/sagaholm.htm|work=On the rocks|accessdate=18 February 2012}}</ref>
==Classical antiquity==
[[Image:Leda.jpg|thumb|right|Leda and the Swan]]
[[Image:Leda.jpg|thumb|right|Leda and the Swan]]
* A open-air rock engraving ([http://www.archaeometry.org/images/sxc6.jpg photograph]) probably 5000 years old in the Northern Italian [[Val Camonica]]<ref>Located at "Coren del Valento" in Val Camonica. Raymond Christinger contributed, at the 1st Valcamonica Symposium, that this scene might display a socially reprehensible sexual intercourse remaining the privilege of the chief of the tribe. [http://www.archaeometry.org/sxx.htm Link to web page and photograph, archaeometry.org]</ref> "It depicts a man complete with full [[erection]] standing behind a donkey. The viewer is left in no doubt that he intends to have sex with the donkey. Other people think that one cannot say if our prehistoric artist depicts himself, or something which he has observed someone else doing. What we can deduce however is that he has an intimate knowledge of the external sexual organs of this animal, and that it was made before any known taboos against sex with animals existed."<ref>Cited to "Dr. Jacobus X.", said to be a [[nom-de-plume]] for a French author: Abuses Aberrations and Crimes of the Genital Sense, 1901.</ref>
Several [[Greek mythology|Greek myths]] include the God [[Zeus]] seducing or abducting favoured mortals while in the form of an animal: [[Europa (mythology)|Europa]] and the bull, [[Ganymede (mythology)|Ganymede]] and the eagle, and [[Leda and the Swan]].<ref name="HSE">{{cite encyclopedia |last1=Cornog |first1=M. |last2=Perper |first2=T. |year=1994 |title=Bestiality |editor1-last=Haeberle |editor1-first=E. J. |editor2-last=Bullough |editor2-first=B. L. |editor3-last=Bullough |editor4-last=B. |encyclopedia=Human Sexuality: An Encyclopedia |publisher=Garland |location=New York & London |url=http://www2.hu-berlin.de/sexology/GESUND/ARCHIV/SEN/CH06.HTM#b3-BESTIALITY |accessdate=18 February 2012 }}</ref> Only the latter legend includes actual copulation between Lena and Zeus in his animal form, but depictions of this act, fairly uncommon in antiquity, became a popular motif in classicising [[Renaissance]] art, contributing to a lasting prominence in [[Western culture]].<ref>{{cite book|last=Bull|first=M.|title=The Mirror of the Gods, How Renaissance Artists Rediscovered the Pagan Gods|year=2005|publisher=Oxford University Press|location=Oxford|isbn=100195219236}}</ref>  
* The [[Hittite laws]] criminalised bestiality, with the death penalty as the punishment.<ref name="PeakeAdEx2219">''[[Peake's commentary on the Bible]]'', Revised Edition (1962), ad {{bibleverse||Exodus|22:19|}}</ref> That is, except for sexual intercourse with horses<ref name="PeakeAdEx2219" />
* The [[Sagaholm]] is a [[Sweden|Swedish]] [[Tumulus|barrow]] with zoosexual carvings that dates to the early [[Nordic Bronze Age]].<ref name="The petroglyphs of Sagaholm">[http://home.online.no/~wen-mja/ontherocks/sagaholm.htm The petroglyphs of Sagaholm], The petroglyphs of Sagaholm.</ref>
Various classical writers recorded that bestiality was common in other cultures. [[Herodotus]] was followed by [[Pindar]], [[Strabo]] and [[Plutarch]]{{fact}} in alleging that [[Ancient Egypt|Egyptian]] women engaged in sexual relations with goats for religious and magical purposes - the animal aspects of Egyptian deities being particularly alien to the Greco–Roman world.<ref>{{cite book|last=Ray|first=J. D.|title=The Ancient Gods Speak: A Guide to Egyptian Religion|year=2002|publisher=Oxford University Press|location=Oxford|isbn=9780195154016|editor=Redford, D. B.|accessdate=18 February 2012|page=90|chapter=Animal Cults}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last=Leavitt|first=J.|title=Greek and Egyptian Mythologies|year=1992|publisher=University of Chicago Press|location=Chicago, IL|isbn=9780226064543|editor=Bonnefoy, Y.|page=248|chapter=The Cults of Isis among the Greeks and in the Roman Empire}}</ref> Conversely, Plutarch and [[Virgil]] make similar accusations of the Greeks, with Plutarch writing in his ''Discourse on the Reason of Beasts'' that they committed "very frequently and in many places great outrages, disorders and scandals against nature, in the matter of this pleasure of love; for there are men who have loved she-goats, sows and mares."
* Instances of zoosexual behavior have been found in the Bible.<ref name="aggrawal_2009_16_3">{{cite journal |author=Aggrawal, Anil. |title=References to the paraphilias and sexual crimes in the Bible |journal=J Forensic Leg Med |volume=16 |issue=3 |pages=109–14 |year=2009 |month=April |pmid=19239958 |doi=10.1016/j.jflm.2008.07.006 |url=http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B8CY1-4TRHCD9-1&_user=5081486&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000047720&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=5081486&md5=ccfb8545a50236e6819a0666ba569db2}}</ref>
* In ancient [[Egypt]], the animal aspects of the gods ensured that bestiality would be practiced both for religious and magical purposes. [[Herodotus]] states religious bestiality was practiced in Egypt - the most famous example being of course the copulations of women with goats.  [[Voltaire]] spoke of sexual relations between Egyptian women and sacred goats, citing [[Plutarch]] and [[Pindar]] as his sources ([[Strabo]] and Plutarch both confirm Herodotus' mention [Bk 2, § 46] of an Egyptian woman having public sex with a goat). The scholar and anthropologist Lang states that the Egyptian women submitted to he-goats while the "men committed the sin of impurity with she-goats." (See: [[Baphomet#Goat_of_Mendes|Goat of Mendes]]). At [[El Yemen]], trained baboons were popular sex partners with men and women alike.  Similarly, in the [[Nile]] and [[Indus]] Valleys, monkeys were instructed in the art of manipulating the genitals of both sexes.  It is recorded that dog-faced baboons once fornicated with women "throughout Egypt and the length and breadth of the Arab world".
[[Martial]] and other writers state that in [[Ancient Rome|Roman]] times, women sometimes inserted snakes into their vaginas. This is reported to have been both for sexual purposes and also as a means of keeping cool and deodorizing in the heat of summer. [[Lucian]] comments that snakes were taught to suckle on women's nipples. [[Satires of Juvenal|Juvenal]] writes in the ''Mysteries of the Bona Dea'', that "if... men are wanting, she does not delay to submit her buttocks to a young ass placed over her." Roman society had around 12 formal categories of prostitute, the lower of whom performed with animals.{{fact}}
* In ancient Greece, [[Xenophon]] records sex with goats. Norman Haire (Hymen) states "since the Greek myths contain many stories of gods who assumed the shape of animals in order to mate with mortals, we may judge that even bestiality was not regarded as revolting."
* Plutarch and Virgil state of Greece, that: "it commits very frequently and in many places great outrages, disorders and scandals against nature, in the matter of this pleasure of love; for there are men who have loved she-goats, sows and mares," (Discourse on the Reason of Beasts, xvii) [[Pliny the Elder|Pliny]] states that [[Semiramis]] prostituted herself to her horse, and [[Venette]] says that "there is nothing more common in Egypt than that young women have intercourse with bucks."
Despite their place in mythology and literature, actual acts of bestiality was probably as uncommon in antiquity as they are today.<ref name="HSE" /> [[Roman law|Roman civil law]], however, made no mention of it.<ref>{{cite web|last=Norton|first=R.|title=Of Sodomy and Bestiality|url=http://rictornorton.co.uk/eighteen/1729disn.htm|work=Homosexuality in Eighteenth-Century England: A Sourcebook|accessdate=18 February 2012}}</ref> The explicit prohibition of and strict penalties for zoophilia universal in later European legal systems were derived from Jewish and Christian tradition.<ref name="HSE" /> The [[Hebrew Bible]] imposes the death penalty on both the human and animal parties involved in an act of bestiality: "if a man has sexual relations with an animal, he shall be put to death; and you shall kill the animal."<ref>{{bibleverse||Leviticus|20:15|131}}</ref> The [[Synod of Ancyra]] in 313–316 discussed the position of the church with regard to bestiality at length and two of the resulting twenty-five canons addressed it: the sixteenth canon described the [[penance]] and level of restrictions to be applied to various age groups for committing bestiality; the seventeenth canon prohibited all [[leper]]s from praying inside church if they had committed bestiality while they suffered from leprosy.<ref>[http://www.synaxis.org/canon/ECF37THE_COUNCIL_OF_ANCYRA_HISTORICAL.htm]</ref>
* Robson, in "Bestiality and bestial rape in Greek myth" (1997) suggests three points of departure for analyzing Greek myth: 1) sex with animals as pornography, 2) as part of hunting ritual, and 3) as bestial myths and/or male initiation rituals.
* [[Martial]] and other writers state that in [[Ancient Rome|Roman]] times, women sometimes inserted snakes into their vaginas. Curiously, this is reported to have been both for sexual purposes and also as a means to keeping cool and deodorizing that part of the body in the heat of summer. [[Lucian]] comments that snakes were taught to suckle on women's [[nipples]]. [[Satires of Juvenal|Juvenal]] states in the [[Mysteries of the Bona Dea]], that "if... men are wanting, she [the Roman woman] does not delay to submit her buttocks to a young ass placed over her." Roman society had around 12 formal categories of prostitute, the lower of whom performed with animals.  
* The Jewish code of law (the [[Talmud]]) found it necessary to proscribe specifically ''women'' from being alone in the company of animals, in order to rule out suspicion (Muth 1969, Christy 1970).
*The [[Synod of Ancyra]] (circa. 313-316 AD), the first gathering of Christian leaders since the end of anti-Christian persecution, dedicated a substantial proportion of the meeting to deciding the position of the church with regard to bestiality. Two of the resulting 25 canons address the act. The sixteenth canon describes the [[penance]] and level of restrictions to be applied to various age-groups for having previously committed bestiality, or continuing to do so. The seventeenth canon prohibits all [[leper]]s from praying inside church if they had committed bestiality (or had sexual intercourse with a leprous woman) while they suffered from leprosy.<ref>[http://www.synaxis.org/canon/ECF37THE_COUNCIL_OF_ANCYRA_HISTORICAL.htm]</ref>

==Europe: Middle Ages==
==Europe: Middle Ages==

Revision as of 21:34, 18 February 2012

This article covers the historical and cultural aspects of zoophilia (also known as bestiality), from prehistory onwards.


Depictions of human sexual activity with animals appear infrequently in prehistoric art. Possibly the oldest depiction, and the only known example from the Palaeolithic (prior to the domestication of animals), is found in the Vale do Côa in Portugal. It shows a man with an exaggerated, erect penis juxtaposed with a goat. However, there is some doubt that the two figures are contemporary; while the goat is depicted in characteristic palaeolithic style, the scene may have been altered in a later period with the insertion of the human figure.[1]

From the Neolithic onwards, images of zoophilia are slightly more common. Examples are found at Coren del Valento, a cave in Val Camonica, Italy, containing rock art dating from 10,000 BCE to as late as the Middle Ages, one depicting a man penetrating a horse,[2] and Sagaholm, a Bronze Age cairn in Sweden where there are several petroglyphs with similar scenes.[3]

Classical antiquity

Leda and the Swan

Several Greek myths include the God Zeus seducing or abducting favoured mortals while in the form of an animal: Europa and the bull, Ganymede and the eagle, and Leda and the Swan.[4] Only the latter legend includes actual copulation between Lena and Zeus in his animal form, but depictions of this act, fairly uncommon in antiquity, became a popular motif in classicising Renaissance art, contributing to a lasting prominence in Western culture.[5]

Various classical writers recorded that bestiality was common in other cultures. Herodotus was followed by Pindar, Strabo and Plutarch[citation needed] in alleging that Egyptian women engaged in sexual relations with goats for religious and magical purposes - the animal aspects of Egyptian deities being particularly alien to the Greco–Roman world.[6][7] Conversely, Plutarch and Virgil make similar accusations of the Greeks, with Plutarch writing in his Discourse on the Reason of Beasts that they committed "very frequently and in many places great outrages, disorders and scandals against nature, in the matter of this pleasure of love; for there are men who have loved she-goats, sows and mares."

Martial and other writers state that in Roman times, women sometimes inserted snakes into their vaginas. This is reported to have been both for sexual purposes and also as a means of keeping cool and deodorizing in the heat of summer. Lucian comments that snakes were taught to suckle on women's nipples. Juvenal writes in the Mysteries of the Bona Dea, that "if... men are wanting, she does not delay to submit her buttocks to a young ass placed over her." Roman society had around 12 formal categories of prostitute, the lower of whom performed with animals.[citation needed]

Despite their place in mythology and literature, actual acts of bestiality was probably as uncommon in antiquity as they are today.[4] Roman civil law, however, made no mention of it.[8] The explicit prohibition of and strict penalties for zoophilia universal in later European legal systems were derived from Jewish and Christian tradition.[4] The Hebrew Bible imposes the death penalty on both the human and animal parties involved in an act of bestiality: "if a man has sexual relations with an animal, he shall be put to death; and you shall kill the animal."[9] The Synod of Ancyra in 313–316 discussed the position of the church with regard to bestiality at length and two of the resulting twenty-five canons addressed it: the sixteenth canon described the penance and level of restrictions to be applied to various age groups for committing bestiality; the seventeenth canon prohibited all lepers from praying inside church if they had committed bestiality while they suffered from leprosy.[10]

  1. Angulo Cuesta, J.; García Diez, M. (2006). "Diversity and meaning of Palaeolithic phallic male representations in Western Europe". Actas Urol Esp. 30 (3): 254–267.
  2. Anati, E. (2008). "The Way of Life Recorded in the Rock Art of Valcamonica" (PDF). Adoranten. Scandinavian Society for Prehistoric Art (2008).
  3. "Sagaholm". On the rocks. Retrieved 18 February 2012.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Cornog, M.; Perper, T. (1994). "Bestiality". In Haeberle, E. J.; Bullough, B. L.; Bullough; B. (eds.). Human Sexuality: An Encyclopedia. New York & London: Garland. Retrieved 18 February 2012.
  5. Bull, M. (2005). The Mirror of the Gods, How Renaissance Artists Rediscovered the Pagan Gods. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 100195219236. {{cite book}}: Check |isbn= value: length (help)
  6. Ray, J. D. (2002). "Animal Cults". In Redford, D. B. (ed.). The Ancient Gods Speak: A Guide to Egyptian Religion. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 90. ISBN 9780195154016. {{cite book}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  7. Leavitt, J. (1992). "The Cults of Isis among the Greeks and in the Roman Empire". In Bonnefoy, Y. (ed.). Greek and Egyptian Mythologies. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. p. 248. ISBN 9780226064543.
  8. Norton, R. "Of Sodomy and Bestiality". Homosexuality in Eighteenth-Century England: A Sourcebook. Retrieved 18 February 2012.
  9. Leviticus 20:15
  10. [1]

Europe: Middle Ages

In the Church-oriented culture of the Middle Ages, zoosexual activity was met with execution, typically burning, and death to the animals involved either the same way or by hanging. Masters comments that:

"Theologians, bowing to Biblical prohibitions and basing their judgements on the conception of man as a spiritual being and of the animal as a merely carnal one, have regarded the same phenomenon as both a violation of Biblical edicts and a degradation of man, with the result that the act of bestiality has been castigated and anathematized [...]"

In 1468, Jean Beisse, accused of bestiality with a cow on one occasion and a goat on another, was first hanged, then burned. The animals involved were also burned. In 1539, Guillaume Garnier, charged with intercourse with a female dog (described as "sodomy"), was ordered strangled after he confessed under torture. The dog was burned, along with the trial records which were "too horrible and potentially dangerous to be permitted to exist" (Masters). In 1601, Claudine de Culam, a young girl of sixteen, was convicted of copulating with a dog. Both the girl and the dog were first hanged, then strangled, and finally burned. In 1735, Francois Borniche was charged with sexual intercourse with animals. It was greatly feared that "his infamous debauches may corrupt the young men." He was imprisoned. There is no record of his release.

On the other hand, other accounts are more possibly fictitious, such as Pietro Damiani's, who in his "De bono religiosi status et variorum animatium tropologia" (11th Century) tells of a Count Gulielmus whose pet ape became his wife's lover. One day the ape became "mad with jealousy" on seeing the count lying with his wife that it fatally attacked him. Damain claims he was told about this incident by Pope Alexander II and shown an offspring claimed to be that of the ape and woman. (Illustrated Book of Sexual Records)

Clergyman and chronicler Gerald of Wales claimed to have witnessed a man having intercourse with a horse as part of a pagan ritual in Ireland.[1][2]

Although thousands of female witches were accused of having sex with animals, usually said to be the Devil in animal form or their familiars, court records available in Europe and the United States, dating back to the 14th century and continuing into the 20th century, nearly always show males, rather than females, as the human parties in court cases. (Encyclopedia of human sexuality, Humboldt University)


The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife, an 1820 Hokusai woodcut, depicts a woman sexually engaged with a pair of octopuses.

c.1700 - 1950

The Age of Enlightenment took much that had been under the field of religion, and brought it under the field of science. As with homosexuality a variety of mixed views resulted which persisted through until around 1950, when researchers such as Kinsey followed by Masters began researching zoophilia on its own terms.

The view of this era might broadly be described as objectified. Sciences such as anthropology and study of the psyche were in their infancy, and classical belief, categorization, and the subject-object viewpoint of study had not yet been upset by 20th century thinkers. Subjects were often studied by describing the objects of study in detail, and categorizing them into hierarchies and families. Such categories and viewpoints were often subjectively based upon writers' impressions, rather than being as objective as their authors imagined them to be (this issue impacted other fields of human study too). Zoosexuality was no longer for the most part punished by religious execution; rather, like homosexuality, it was broadly treated as a sickness or deficiency in a person, or analysed as a behavior of a social class of person. Some early researchers made the intellectual leap of considering it as a sexual variation rather than a deficiency, but these were a minority. Psychology had not yet emerged as a field in its own right, so psychological fields were subsumed within Medicine, and zoosexuality was documented by scientists as a medical phenomenon associated with more primitive or lower class people and races. Those who were neither were assumed to be examples of rare perversion or degeneracy. The clinical viewpoint by the early 20th century was oriented around early psychology's concept of non-sexual acts as symbolic or substitutional, after Freud. Both human and animal behavior (including sexuality) were seen psychologically through the twin light of behaviorism (John Watson's influential view that science should reject the use of introspection in favor of stimulus-response as an explanation, and that the understanding of the conscious mind was not a valid goal of experimental psychology)[3] and determinism (the view that there was no such thing as free-will in behavior).

Thus, in 1927, when British sexologist Havelock Ellis wrote Studies in the psychology of sex, science was still in the stage of describing and categorizing unusual sexual activities, largely according to researchers' preconceived notions or behaviorist observations, under a thin guise of objectivity:

Havelock-Ellis referenced Kraft-Ebbing's work Psychopathia Sexualis (1894) which recognized zoophilic voyeurism (watching animals mate), as "fall[ing] within the range of normal variation". He identified touch and emotional closeness producing "sexual excitement or gratification" as "a sexual fetishism" termed "erotic zoophilia". Kraft-Ebbing then divides zoosexual activity into "two divisions: one in which the individual is fairly normal, but belongs to a low grade of culture, the other in which he may belong to a more refined social class, but is affected by a deep degree of degeneration," (Kraft-Ebbing named these "bestiality" and "zooerasty" respectively, stating they were different in kind from erotic zoophilia). Havelock-Ellis' view was that:

"Bestiality and zooerastia merely present in a more marked and profoundly perverted form a further degree of the same phenomenon which we meet with in erotic zoophilia; the difference is that they occur either in more insensitive or in more markedly degenerate persons [...] In seeking to comprehend this perversion it is necessary to divest ourselves of the attitude toward animals which is the inevitable outcome of refined civilization and urban life. Most sexual perversions, if not in large measure the actual outcome of civilized life, easily adjust themselves to it. Bestiality [with one exception] is, on the other hand, the sexual perversion of dull, insensitive and unfastidious persons. It flourishes among primitive peoples and among peasants. It is the vice of the clodhopper, unattractive to women..."
  • The UK Offences Against The Person Act 1861 (repealed) brought the act within the realm of the criminal law, stating: "Whosoever shall be convicted of the abominable crime of buggery, committed either with mankind or with any animal, shall be liable ... to be kept in penal servitude for life ...." (In this law, the crossover from religious to civic law can be seen; the characterization as "abominable" being a term carried over from Canonical law and Leviticus 18)
  • Mirabeau, in the 18th century, stated, on the evidence of Basque priests, that "all the shepherds in the Pyrenees practice bestiality". Mantegazza records (Gli Amori degli Uomini, ch. V) that a young Apennine goatherd believed his dyspepsia and nervous symptoms stemmed from sexual congress with his animals. In 18th century South Italy, Sardinia and Sicily, "bestiality among goatherds and peasants is said to be almost a national custom by Bayle" (Dictionary, Bathyllus, cited by Havelock-Ellis as note 50). Warton was informed that in Sardinia and Sicily priests in confession used to habitually inquired of shepherds if they had anything to do with their sheep. In Normandy priests were advised to ask similar questions.
  • Jonas Liliequist, a social historian at the University of Umeå in Sweden, who has studied bestiality in Swedish history, observed the abundance of bestiality cases in Swedish courts during the 17th and 18th centuries (more than 1500), and the scarcity of cases of homosexual acts (appr. 20). He raises the question of whether this discrepancy had been because of a more tolerant attitude towards same sex intercourse than to intercourse between man and animal, or if it had been due to an even more severe taboo against homosexual acts.[4]

Modern era

  • "L'Etalon Doux" writes of French openness regarding zoosexuality in media and research, that "A certain acceptance of the sexual connotations of the beast has never been lost from ancient times as in other parts of the world. Even today you are much more likely to see an explicit scene of animals mating in a French erotic film than elsewhere... In 1991 a film appeared in France with a 'General Release' certificate which could only be described as 'Hard Core' animal mating complete with screen filling close-ups and slow motion ejaculations." (Also compare the almost brutally explicit and prolonged horse mating sequence in the Polish film director Borowczyk's 1975 film "La bête" (The Beast)
  • There was much speculation that Oliver the chimpanzee was a human/chimpanzee hybrid. However genetic and other tests later convincingly proved this unfounded, and that genetically he seemed an ordinary chimpanzee and showed no significant matches of any kind with human genetics. No hybrid has ever been verified to be genuine.

See also


Main sources include:


  1. Last Night's Television: Always let a sleeping pagan lie
  2. Banks-Smith, Nancy (July 20, 2004). "Please, please tell me now". The Guardian. London. Retrieved May 4, 2010.
  3. "In choosing behavior as the basic datum, behaviorists changed the ultimate research goal of experimental psychology from the scientific understanding of conscious experience to the scientific understanding of behavior. Behaviorists argued that explanations that include mental causes are unscientific, and argued that all behaviors — including complex actions that generally are attributed to mental causes — may be viewed as automatic (mechanistic) responses to environmental events (stimuli). By 1920, the behaviorist argument had succeeded in transforming experimental psychology into the scientific study of the environmental causes of behavior." Scottsdale Community College course description (abridged)
  4. Liliequist 1990, 1991, 1995; Träskman 1990; Österberg 1996, cited at historia.su.se (PDF)

Further reading

  • Marie-Christine Anest: Zoophilie, homosexualite, rites de passage et initiation masculine dans la Greece contemporaine (Zoophilia, homosexuality, rites of passage and male initiation in contemporary Greece) (1994), ISBN 2738421466
  • Dubois-Dessaule: Etude Sur la Bestiality au point de Vue Historique (The Study of Bestiality from the Historical, Medical and Legal Viewpoint) (Paris, 1905)
  • Gaston Dubois-Desaulle: Bestiality: An Historical, Medical, Legal, and Literary Study, University Press of the Pacific (November 1, 2003), ISBN 1-4102-0947-4 (Paperback Ed.)
  • Hans Hentig Ph.D.: Soziologie der Zoophilen Neigung (Sociology of the Zoophile Preference) (1962)
  • Bronisław Malinowski:
    The Trobriand Islands (1915)
    The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia (1929)