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Sagaholm is a Bronze Age cairn located just south of Jönköping, Sweden.

The site had a large barrow from the early Nordic Bronze Age. It had a circle of slabs of sandstone, probably as many as 100. The Bronze Age graves were built in the form of a mound. Around 1,500 years after the grave was built, another four smaller graves were constructed at the foot of the mound.

Only 45 graves remain, with 18 of them are adorned with petroglyphs depicting ships, animals and people, including scenes of zoophilia. The finds are presently on display in Jönköpings County Museum (Jönköpings läns museum) in Jönköping.

See also


  • Goldhahn, Joakim Om döda och efterlevande med exempel från Bredrör, Skelhøj, Sagaholm och Mjeltehaugen (Bergen, Norway: "Arkeologiske Skrifter". Pg 283-303. 2006)

External links

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