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Category:Copyright holder released public domain files
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Media in category "Copyright holder released public domain files"
The following 16 files are in this category, out of 16 total.
Ambox important.svg 40 × 40; 7 KB
Ambox warning orange.svg 800 × 800; 846 bytes
Ambox warning pn.svg 800 × 800; 833 bytes
Ambox warning yellow.svg 386 × 334; 2 KB
Blue X mark.png 256 × 256; 7 KB
Box with bold script X.svg 719 × 719; 485 bytes
Edit-clear.svg 48 × 48; 8 KB
Flag of England.svg File missing
Flag of Poland.svg File missing
Loving animals.jpg 320 × 480; 87 KB
Magnifying glass 01.svg 128 × 128; 7 KB
Nuvola Green Plus.png 128 × 128; 10 KB
Purple question mark.svg File missing
Symbol neutral vote.svg File missing
Symbol question.svg 180 × 185; 1 KB
Symbol support vote.svg File missing