Quantum Pre-Implementation

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Revision as of 05:15, 11 June 2021 by Quantumhusky (talk | contribs)
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Pre Implementation

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ZETA/Selected article/Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

There have been questions posted regarding the possibility of allergic reactions during or after sexual contact. Having an allergy to the semen of an animal is very possible, and the introduction of semen into the mouth, vagina or anus allows fast absorption because of the nature of the tissue (mucus membrane). Penile contact with the vaginal or anal tissue of another species involves less exposure and may show symptoms of an allergic reaction more slowly, showing up after repeated experiences. If the contact is with the animal’s tongue, there can be a sensitivity reaction just because of the repetition. The tongue is intended in animal’s life to perform many activities. Irritation and tenderness will pass quickly; a cold pack will provide comfort if needed.

An allergic reaction can be expressed as a mild reaction, such as eczema, hives, hay fever and asthma. (Full article...)
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 This is where an article for the front page will go explaining our society.

 This is where an article for the front page will go explaining our society.