Things You Can Do

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Things to Do!
 The Wiki is a place to find information to learn more about Zoophilia. As well as Bestiality. We intent to give a complete, non-bias approach to the community. We're not perfect. There may be some imperfections. But we hope you get the information you're looking for!

Do you know the term for Z.E.T.A?

The Principles of Z.E.T.A. Zoosexuals for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

1. Bestow upon animals the same kindness one would wish bestowed upon oneself.

2. Consider the well being of an animal companion as important as ones own.

3. Place the animals will and well being ahead of ones desires for sexual gratification.

4. Teach those who seek knowledge about bestiality and zoophilia without promoting it.

5. Discourage the practice of bestiality in the presence of fetish seekers.

6. Censure sexual exploitation of animals for the purpose of financial gain.

7. Censure those who practice and promote animal sexual abuse.

Find Great Online Communities!
 The Zoo Community has been mostly online. With many using Yahoo Groups, Usenet, and Alt.Sex.Bestiality. All the way to bigger sites like Beastforum, and soon after Zooville. 

Along with many smaller boards like ZooBB, ZoophilesForum, and Zetaboards. Below is a list of current communities welcoming new, curious users looking into Zoophilia.

There's many great options to choose from. Sites can come and go, but we at the Zoophilia Wiki will make sure to keep this page up-to-date! What follows is a very simple list of sites you may be able to access for your introduction into the Zoo Community.

  • ZooVille - ZooVille is a Zoophilia message board designed for discussion and viewing media. With a user-base of over 94k members. You're bound to find great useful information from various active users. Many posts will have information that is readily available for new comers, and everyone is always willing to be helpful for anyone that has questions.
  • ZooCommunity - ZooCoommunity is a discussion board-only site. Providing resources and helpful guides as well as a pace for new comers to learn more about zoophilia, the site does not allow pornography or any NSFW content at all. It is often promoted as a safer, and more educational resource than ZooVille.
  • Zoo Writers Guild and Discussion Forum - Zoo Writers Guild is a story driven site, for those who want to read or make some new stories of their own. There's also many great resources to choose from.
  • ZetaSpace - Zetaspace is a mastodon (Twitter) like page for Zoophiles to discuss, and share what they like. The site does not host content, as it's only meant for a content free zone.
  • Feral.Cafe - We're a small feral furry space for those who want a calmer environment where they can express the all the diverse facets of who they are.
  • ReadBeast - A place to find erotic stories and educational guides on bestiality.
  • Twitter/X - One of many accounts forming a very loose knit but welcoming community on X/Twitter.
  • - Another zoophilia forum.|}