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The Zooring or Der Deutsche Zooring (engl. The German Zooring) was a german zoophile webring, operative around 2001-2015. Being hosted on Zetapin. Over the years, personal websites, forums, blogs and information sites have been part of the webring, mostly in german language.
Members of the Zooring
- Blacktigers Homepage
- Ecco's bay of the gentle breeze
- TLover-Forum
- fifine.org
- Pale Horse - Zoophilia and my love for horses
- The Zoothought Project
- Zetaportal
- Zoophilia - a personal point of view
- The zoophile animal welfare blog
- Silverwolf's Homepage
- BlackWolf's Zoo-Page
- zoophilie-online.de
- Wulfies Homepage
- Icelander and his passion
- German Zoo-Forum
- WhiteFang's Homepage
- Manu's Homepage
- horseman.de
- Homepage of Friesenkind
- KP's Zoofur Homepage