Beetz & Podberscek (Eds.). (2005). Bestiality and zoophilia: Sexual relations with animals

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Title: Bestiality and Zoophilia: Sexual relations with Animals.

Bestiality and Zoophilia (PDF)

Author: Anthony L. Podberscek (Editor), Andrea M. Beetz (Editor), Bloomsbury Publishing (UK) (Editor), Andrea Podberscek

Published: 2005, Paperback, 144 pages. By Purdue University Press. Impression published in 2009 by Berg Publishers.

ISBN 978 1 84788 354 4[1]


Human sexual relations with animals, a behavior known as bestiality, have

existed since the dawn of human history in every place and culture in the

world. Furthermore, an abundance of folklore, paintings, sculptures, films,

literature and pornography exists dealing with bestiality themes. This article describes the highlights of the history of bestiality in various cultures,

based on Miletski’s recent book (2002).
