How To - Horse
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This guide was taken from the French wiki and will need to be proofread for translation issues. As well as come in line with proper practices if anything is listed incorrectly.
(From the Grand Alezan site:
Sex guide and FAQ - how-to: horses
I have had fun with horses for 14 years, I have never been seriously injured ... barely a few bruises, you just have to play with their rules. This guide does not claim to be perfect. The author of this text does not encourage you, the reader, to do illegal things (including trespassing) in order to obtain your pleasure.
Original text: "Sex guide - How to: Equines by Equuinox" Translation by "Grand Alezan" (GA)
The stallions
'A-How to have fun with your stallion.'
Most of you will find tips on how to get successful results here.
1) Find a stallion: Preferably in a place where no one will be able to hear him growl or come to search ... Old stallions are the best; They are more sensitive and less quick to panic and therefore hurt someone. Never choose the ones that look weird, they might turn bad when aroused.
2) The approach: Walk quietly to about 3 meters from him and stop. Let him approach and inspect you. Horses, when they do not feel threatened, are curious. Use slow movements so as not to startle him, and let him sniff you. Caress him gently and whisper words of encouragement. Earn his trust. At this time it is useful to carry the smell of a mare in heat on you, it is better for his libido ...
3) Feel the mare in heat: Find a mare in heat, usually 5-6 days every 21 days (I know, it's not easy). Regarding the approach, apply the same procedure as for a standard. Caress his sides and slowly rub his rump and the base of the tail. Watch her ears, if she doesn't like the contact she will contract her sides and wag her tail. Continuing would lead to you getting kicked. If the mare doesn't seem to mind, GENTLY push a finger into her vagina. Made to collect its aroma on your hand ... Most mares do not like this contact and shy away from it. Remember, it is his choice. On the other hand, if she tolerates your advances, continue to masturbate her ... If she really seems to enjoy it (by lifting her tail and offering to
4) Obstruct: Yes it's a good idea. Many overly excited breeders react by kicking, biting and / or trying to ride you. It's not great, unless you are also SM ... To tie it use a rope with a noose. Why a noose? To be able to detach it quickly in the event of a problem.
5) The erection: Let the stallion smell the delicious and fresh mare scent on your hands. He should respond with growls, neighs, and (hopefully) an erection. Start with its neckline, stroke it gently, then move to its side and then gently descend on its belly and its sheath. Most stallions have some sort of tic when touching this spot they bend one leg and kick. Stay away from him and away from his behind to be sure ... Avoid him crushing you against the walls of his boxing. If he has questionable reactions, immediately step aside, calm him down, and repeat this step.
6) Clean and ...: Unless it looks like it is serving, the stallion's penis is likely covered with deposits, dead skin, etc. it doesn't look tasty, but it does have its uses for lubrication. Wash it off with clean water or rub gently to remove it. Apply lubricant ... I have found that it is best to masturbate the penis when it is fully erected ... then bring your attention to the tip of the penis. Keep constant pressure on the sensitive part of the glans, let it do it ... usually they won't ejaculate unless they can find pleasure with your movements alone. Follow your imagination and shamelessly for this part ... and again watch out for blows, bites, etc.
'B-Tips and tricks: the stallions'
1) Wear toe-toe shoes / boots to protect your feet, horses don't really care where they walk.
2) Most stallions quickly learn to enjoy certain pleasures, and may ask for more in the future. On the other hand, if they don't like it, don't force them, you risk big. I saw one tear off the door of his boxing box while kicking.
3) A little bit of lube helps ... I usually carry a mixture of lube and water in a bottle of contact lens fluid ... it's more discreet than a big tube.
4) Never stay under or behind them unless you know and trust him. Some stallions suddenly lie down or kick for no apparent reason, it may cost you dear as a dentist ...
5) Wear a protective helmet. I know it looks weird but their hooves are rock hard. A skull fracture can break a good friendship ... (Of course, if you wear a helmet you will look really ridiculous but "caution is the mother of safety")
6) Does he "come"? When a stud ejaculates, the glans of his penis swells to resemble a fist-sized mushroom. He pulls out about 80 grams of semen with enough force to send it 1.5 meters. Its seed has the consistency and about the color of egg white. It should not be confused with the preseminal fluid that looks like water and flows before he ejaculates. NOTE: Do not attempt anal / vaginal penetration by a stud ... unless you are also doing fist-fucking. You risk tearing and peritonitis if it's really too big. (How do you explain when you are admitted to the emergency room that you have just been penetrated by a horse ...).
Remember: Horses are unpredictable animals. They can be calm one moment and turn into 600 pounds of rage and banging the next. He may like you very well but he doesn't know his strength which makes him potentially dangerous for you. If you are not used to handling them, get someone who knows to help you (it may not be easy but it is for your safety).
The mares
'C-How to have fun with your mare'
Maybe you've tried stallions or not. This section is for all those who are interested in mares but who do not really know how to do it.
1) Find a mare: (easier said than done!) Spend lots of time with your sweetheart, pet and brush her. Build a relationship based on trust until you reach a level of intimacy with her like no one else.
2) Determine if she is in heat: most (not all, but most) mares are completely unresponsive to any advances when they are not ovulating. In mares, the cycle lasts 16 to 21 days on average, heat that lasts 5 to 6 days is the period before ovulation and ends 12 hours after it. Most mares do not sense any signs of their heat that are visible to males, unless they are used to having sex with them. The best way to know if a mare is in heat is to present her to a stallion. In the breeding trade this is called "tasting" the mare. The stallion in question scratches the ground, sniffs, growls and neighs, like any male in heat ... the mare in heat responds by raising her tail, "squatting" and urinating in front of him. The mare then gives you a "wink" by contracting her vaginal muscles to expose her clitoris. The clitoris in mares is the size of a half-dollar coin and resembles the glans of a stallion's penis, it is located at the bottom of the vaginal opening. Usually the mare waits for mating in a "squatting" position. If the mare responds to the stallion by laying her ears, biting and kicking, it means that she is not a loss and that he must try later. There are other ways to determine if a mare is in heat when not with a stallion. mating in a "squatting" position. If the mare responds to the stallion by laying her ears, biting and kicking, it means that she is not a loss and that he must try later. There are other ways to determine if a mare is in heat when not with a stallion. mating in a "squatting" position. If the mare responds to the stallion by laying her ears, biting and kicking, it means that she is not a loss and that he must try later. There are other ways to determine if a mare is in heat when not with a stallion.
> Their lips "swell" and tend to relax ... if you pull them apart (be careful not to be kicked) you will be able to see the border with the cherry red vagina in contrast to the usual pinkish color. Their vaginal secretions will also be more abundant and will come more easily than normal.
> The cervix is swollen and covered with folds during the ovulation period, while it is tight and looks like a pimple outside this period ... (This is not a good way to check if a mare is in heat unless you have access and know how to use a speculum ... ask your vet once to show you a mare's cervix ... it looks like a small pink flower.)
> Some inexperienced mares may respond favorably to your advances if you play the game well. Sniff there, growl, "bite" her flanks by gently pinching her, tickling there and gently massaging her vulva. Then try to insert one or more fingers into her vagina. If she responds, then she is ready - on the other hand, if she is not interested, she will try to walk away and may not like further advances.
3) Proceed with caution: Lubricate and use your fingers, tongue, or any part of your anatomy that both appeal to you. Give her pleasure, go back and forth slowly I noticed that the most sensitive point in mares is not the clitoris but a vaginal area located a little before the uterus, they respond really well to massages practiced at this place. It is possible to (GENTLY) enter your arm into her vagina to gently "fist" her (my mare loves it), and to feel the soft warmth and humidity of her intimacy on your arm ...
When they are ready to be fertilized, they relax and the bottom of the vagina and the cervix become "accessible". As you stimulate her, she slowly begins to "grab" your arm with her vagina. Move with her contractions and she will contract harder and harder as she nears orgasm (Yes, unlike some studies I've read, mares have orgasms, and how ...). There will come a time when it will contract with enough force to push your arm out; do not try to resist or push back your arm, you may injure her. Just keep massaging the beginning of her vagina as she contracts harder and harder. At this moment, my mare starts to growl at the same time as she contracts until that his orgasm is over; then she withdraws. The orgasm of mares and often accompanied by a jet of secretions and urine, be careful not to get soaked; unless you also practice urophilia.
Personal note for your unhealthy curiosity: Usually I "work" my mare "by hand" until the moment she begins to contract. Then I climb on something so that I can insert my cock into her vagina and finish that way. It's really great when she "grabs" you ... they really have perfect control of their vaginal muscles.
When it's over, they pull themselves together and go for a walk to regain their strength ...
they are then ready to start again in 5 minutes or more. It happened to me to give orgasms on orgasm to my mare, during an hour of pure pleasure ... They have an incredible endurance and it is not bad for most of us. Once you're done, don't go off like a thief. Keep talking to her softly, thanking her, flattering her neck ... she may remember these little intentions and be more receptive next time ...
'D-Tips and tricks: mares'
1) Wear something on your feet that can protect them well ...
2) Practice more indoors, if she decides to kick you squeeze more difficult to reach and you will be able to feel better if she is upset and therefore anticipate his reactions.
3) It is really a good idea to wash your hands and the mare's vulva before starting. Bacteria can be on your hands and / or be carried by their feces. Use a mild soap and rinse with plenty of clean water ... The mares' natural defenses should prevent infection, but it is best not to take any chances.
4) File your short, soft fingernails ... mares' vagina is very delicate and it is easy to injure her there if you are not careful. Don't put any foreign object in there either ... no carrots or the like.
5) NEVER put anything into / through the cervix. This would cause a serious uterine infection and complications could appear in future gestations. (moreover, if it is full you endanger the life of the fetus and therefore his as well)
6) In the northern hemisphere, 90% of mares no longer have heat during the period from November to March. This natural phenomenon is the answer to the reduction in sunshine time. Artificial lighting can help mares return to their normal cycle ... there are many excellent texts available on this subject.
7) If your mare is tall you will of course need a stool or something like that ...
8) be careful, horses are unpredictable ...
FAQ (version 1.5 - 1/6/2005) produced by 'BeastLove_FR' (thanks to him for having gathered all these guides, from American FAQs, as well as to Alezan for the translation of this one)